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Sausages in Trás-os-Montes


Salpicão de Vinhais

Bragança District, Portugal

Vinhais salpicão sausage is a traditional smoked sausage made from pork of the Bísaro breed of pigs from Vinhais in the municipality of Bragança. Bísaro pig farming is widespread throughout this area, ... READ MORE


Butelo de Vinhais

Bragança District, Portugal

Traditionally produced in the Portuguese district of Bragança, butelo de vinhais is a smoked sausage made with pork meat and pork loin from Bísaro pigs. The meat is seasoned and flavored with garlic, paprika, bay le... READ MORE


Chouriça de carne de Barroso-Montalegre

Montalegre, Portugal

This horseshoe-shaped sausage is made with meat and lard coming from Bísaro breed of pigs. Ground pork is mixed with wine, garlic, salt, powdered chili pepper, and paprika, and it is then stuffed into a thin sausage casing before b... READ MORE


Chouriça de carne de Vinhais

Bragança District, Portugal

This chorizo is a smoked, horseshoe-shaped sausage made in the town of Vinhais and the district of the same name in northern Portugal's Terra Fria region. It is made with the meat of local Bísaro pigs fed on a diet of potatoes, pum... READ MORE


Chouriço azedo de Vinhais

Bragança District, Portugal

This smoked sausage is made exclusively with meat taken from the Bísaro breed of pig or its cross-breeds, and at least 50% of it must come from pigs raised in the northern district of Bragança in Portugal. The meat is cut in... READ MORE


Chouriço de abóbora de Barroso-Montalegre

Montalegre, Portugal

Several factors make this pumpkin chorizo truly unique – the geographical area in which it is produced, the local breed of pig used in the process, the quality of the local pumpkins, and the traditional smoking process. This pumpkin chorizo ... READ MORE


Salpicão de Barroso-Montalegre

Montalegre, Portugal

Barroso-Montalegre salpicão sausage is a smoked sausage made from pork of the Bísaro breed of pigs or crossbreeds of the Bísaro pig. It originates from the Montalegre region in the northern Portugues... READ MORE


Sangueira de Barroso-Montalegre

Montalegre, Portugal

Barroso-Montalegre blood sausage is a regional traditional specialty made with bread, smoked meat, lard, and blood from the Bísaro breed of pigs or their crossbreeds. The history of this blood sausage is rooted in the tradition of ... READ MORE