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Authentic local food

Subhaini Family Stall

Singapore, Asia

Subhaini Family Stall | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
353 Clementi Ave 2, Singapore 120353


Meat Soup

Soup kambing

Recommended by Leslie Tay and 4 other food critics.


"It was spiced just right so that you can finish the whole bowl and be satisfied without being jialak (bloated). The tendons are wonderfully gummy and the chunks of meat are tender and satisfying."
"Flavourful broth that is both rich and light at the same time; just enough fat to give the soup ample flavour without coming across unctuous."
"Incredibly fragrant, and more importantly, no heavy mutton smell. The mutton pieces were very well stewed and had a tender and lovely texture to it. The broth itself, whilst spicy, was extremely flavorful."
"Great on cold days! These are the top 3 stalls which I feel serve the best Soup Kambing Mutton (Indian) in Singapore: Subhaini Family Restaurant."
"The Best Kambing Soup Hawkers in Singapore: Subhaini Family Restaurant."

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