We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though
Belonging to a group of cannabis-infused edibles and originating from Amsterdam, space cake is typically a simple sponge cake, which can be enriched with additional ingredients, such cocoa or chocolate, vanilla extract, dried fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, various spices, and such. The batter is usually made with flour, eggs, sugar, butter, milk, and baking powder, although recipes can vary. The key ingredient, though, is butter infused with cannabis, also known as cannabutter — typically, the crushed or ground cannabis is simmered with melted butter and water. Still, other preparation methods are possible, but the butter will not be infused with as much THC. The baked cake can be dusted with confectioner's sugar, glazed, or frosted. A vegan-friendly space cake is also an option, in which case cocoa butter is usually used instead of regular butter.