Papa criolla is a potato variety that's native to South America and it's especially popular in Colombia. These tubers are small in size, similar to a golf ball. The flesh is yellow to dark yellow, an indication of high lutein and zeaxanthin conten... READ MORE
Papa pastusa is a potato variety that's native to Colombia. These tubers have yellow or dark yellow skin without spots. The flesh is yellow in color, and the texture is soft and starchy. The potatoes are usually oval in shape, and when cooked, it ... READ MORE
A flowering species of the Schoepfiaceae family, macachin (Arjona tuberosa) is an indigenous plant that only grows wild in Argentina and Chile, and in particular in Puerto Madryn’s peripheral area, despite the efforts to cu... READ MORE
Papa púrpura are Peruvian purple potatoes. The skin and flesh have a deep purple color, and when cooked, the potatoes usually turn bluish. They're cooked just like regular potatoes and the flavor is also similar to regular potatoes, just wi... READ MORE
Papa sabanera is a potato variety that's native to Colombia. These tubers have purple skin and they're a bit harder and bigger than other species. Sabaneras are most suitable for french fries because they absorb less fat and become more crunchy. T... READ MORE
Papas andinas are varieties of potatoes indigenous to the Andean region of South America, where they’ve been cultivated since time immemorial. A combination of careful selection, unique growing conditions, and centuries of cultivati... READ MORE
Papa negra, also called papa mariva, is a variety of potato from the Andean regions of Peru. The negra variety has a unique black skin color, slightly sweet flavor, and floury texture that differentiate it from more commonly known potato varieties... READ MORE
Mona Lisa is an early to mid-early all-purpose potato variety that's believed to have originated from South America. The potatoes are small in size and oval in shape. The skin is golden yellow, just like the flesh underneath, which is rich in mine... READ MORE
Pampacorral sweet potatoes are produced in the Quechua, Suni, and Puno regions in the province of Calca in the region of Cusco in Peru. The potatoes are farmed across the Andes and symbolize the gastronomy and the agriculture of local peo... READ MORE
Quebrada de Humahuaca is an area in the center of Jujuy province in Argentina, where local farmers grow native plants dating back to the time of the conquistadores such as kiwicha, quinoa, papa lisa, and oca. The farmers also grow corn, a... READ MORE