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Ovčí salašnícky údený syr is a uniquely shaped, soft cheese, handmade from unpasteurized sheep's milk in a traditional way in mountainous areas and shepherd's huts in the Slovak Republic. The word sa... READ MORE
This spindle-shaped smoked cheese hailing from the Tatra highlands is made exclusively with salted and unpasteurized milk from the Polish mountain sheep, though sometimes a small amount of cow milk from the Polish Podgórska red cow... READ MORE
Sulguni is a cylindrical Georgian cheese originating from the region of Samegrelo (Mingrelia). The cheese has a mild, yet complex flavor and a semi-firm texture. It can be produced from the milk of cows, buffalos, and goats (rarely), or a... READ MORE
Metsovone is a hard or semi-hard smoked table cheese, produced from cow's milk or alternatively with a mixture of cow's milk with up to 20% sheep’s or goat’s milk. It has been made in the Metsovo mountain region for more than ... READ MORE
Traditionally associated with the region of Silesia, gołka is a smoked Polish cheese that is exclusively made with cow’s milk. It is characterized by its light yellow color, and before it is smoked, it is placed in carved wooden mol... READ MORE
Redykołka is a small, semi-hard cheese made from half-fat sheep's milk in the Podhale region in Poland. The name derives from the Polish word redyk, meaning a ceremony where sheep are taken to mountain pastures, kept there grazin... READ MORE
Provola is an Italian cheese that's essentially the smaller version of Provolone. The cheese is made from cow's milk and originates from Campania. This pasta filata cheese is typically immersed in brine, and some of the ... READ MORE
Cascaval afumat is a Romanian cheese made from cow's milk. It's shaped into wheels and blocks, but cascaval afumat can also be braided. The name of this cheese means smoked cascaval. The texture is semi-soft and rubbery, while th... READ MORE
Slovenská parenica is a soft, steamed cheese made from unpasteurized sheep's milk of the Wallachian, Cigaya, East Friesian and improved Wallachian breeds. The cheese can also be made using a mixture of raw sheep's... READ MORE
Slovenský oštiepok is a traditional semi-hard cheese made from half-fat sheep's milk, cow's milk or a mixture of both. It can be either steamed or unsteamed, smoked or unsmoked and can be produced in dairies using the indust... READ MORE
Oravský korbáčik is a steamed string cheese made from cow's milk, very similar to its cousin Zázrivský korbáčik. The cheese is either smoked or unsmoked, visually striking in a unique shape of a... READ MORE
The origins of Provolone Valpadana date back to the early 1800s and the Unification of Italy, when people from the South started migrating towards the Po Valley and brought the tradition of dairy cattle farming and the technique for stret... READ MORE
Zázrivský korbáčik is a steamed string cheese made from cow's milk. It can be either smoked or unsmoked and it is presented in the unique shape of a little whip (korbáčik in Slovak). The cheese has bee... READ MORE
Rauchkäse is a German smoked cheese that's typically made in Bavaria, but it's also popular throughout the country. The most famous variety is produced by Basils, named after a dairy entrepreneur Basil Weixler. The cheese is... READ MORE
Zázrivské vojky is a steamed string cheese product that can be either smoked or unsmoked. It is made from pasteurised or unpasteurized cow's milk in the area around Zázrivá in the Slovak Republic. The thin stri... READ MORE
Originating from Samegrelo, Smoked Sulguni or Shebolili Megruli Sulguni is a Georgian cheese made from the milk of cows, buffalos, and goats (rarely), or a combination of the three. This semi-hard cheese has a dense, springy, and... READ MORE
San Simón da Costa is a cheese made from raw or pasteurized cow's milk of the Galician blond, Swiss brown, and Friesian breeds in the District of Terra Chá, in the province of Lugo. It is sold in two versions; large... READ MORE
Tekovský salámový syr is a semi-hard cheese made from pasteurized, full-fat cow's milk in the Tekov region in the Slovak Republic, on the border between the Nitra and Banská Bystrica regions since 1949. The reg... READ MORE
Bjelovarski kvargl is a traditional, handmade Croatian cheese hailing from the Bjelovar-Bilogora County. The cheese is made from drained cow's milk that's mixed with salt, paprika, and sometimes garlic. It's then shaped into pointed cones (more po... READ MORE
Klenovecký syrec is a semi-hard cheese made from unpasteurized sheep's or cow's high-quality milk, produced in the mountainous Gemer-Malohont region in the Slovak Republic since 1850. The cheese can be either smoked or unsmoked and... READ MORE
Ahumado de Pría is a Spanish cheese hailing from Asturias. The cheese is made from a mixture of cow's milk and sheep's milk cream. It's usually left to age from 2 to 6 months, and after 2 months it's smoked over beech and oak. Orig... READ MORE
Bruder Basil is a traditional cheese hailing from Bavaria, where it was originally produced by Trappist monks. This smoked (rauchkäse-style, smoked over beech wood), semi-soft cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk. Underneath it... READ MORE
Herreño is a Spanish cheese hailing from the Canary Island, specifically the island of El Hierro. The cheese is made from goat's milk and a small amount of cow's and sheeps' milk. The wheels are smoked over wood from trunks of pric... READ MORE
Quesucos de Liebana is a semi-hard cheese made with full-fat milk from Tudanca, Swiss Brown and Friesian cows, sometimes combined with goat or sheep milk. It has been traditionally produced the municipalities in... READ MORE
Smokey Oregon Blue is an American blue cheese produced in Oregon. The cheese is made from raw cow's milk and it's also the world's first smoked blue. The wheels are cold-smoked over hazelnut shells, usually for 16 hours. Underneath the na... READ MORE
Apple Walnut Smoked is an American Promontory cheese variety hailing from Utah, where it's produced by Beehive Cheese Company. This cheddar-style cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk. When young, it's cold-smoked over red apple wedg... READ MORE
Brezain is a semi-hard raclette-style French cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk. The cheese is produced in the region of Haute-Savoie, where it must mature for at least 5 months. Its name is derived from the word braise, whi... READ MORE
Bandel is an Indian semi-soft cheese made from cow’s milk. It originates from the eponymous Portuguese colony in West Bengal. The cheese has a crumbly texture, a strong aroma, and a smokey, salty flavor. The whey and curds are first... READ MORE
Trnič is a traditional cheese hailing from the Kamnik Alps. Initially, the herdsmen who were spending their summers in the mountains started making the cheese while longing for their loved ones down in the valley. This pear-shaped cheese ... READ MORE
Smokey Mountain Round is an American cheese produced by Goat Lady Dairy in North Carolina. The cheese is made from pasteurized goat's milk. It has a natural rind that hides a compact texture. The aromas are milky, while the flavors are wo... READ MORE
Caggiu de crabittu is a traditional Sardinian goat cheese made from the abomasum of a young goat (kid) and goat milk. The kid must be fed exclusively on its mother’s milk from birth until slaughter. Before slaughter, the kid continues to suc... READ MORE
Salignon is a traditional cheese originating from the Valle d'Aosta region. It's essentially a ricotta cheese mixed with salt, pepper, mountain herbs, and chili peppers. The texture is creamy, while the flavors are spicy and hot. The chee... READ MORE
Fumaison is a French cheese originating from Auvergne, where it was created by Patrick Beaumont in 1990. This smoked cheese is made from raw milk of Lacaune sheep. It's matured by hanging from the roof of a cave, a process that lasts for ... READ MORE
Applewood Smoked Chèvre is an American cheese hailing from Longmont, Colorado, where it's produced by Haystack Mountain Goat Dairy. This applewood-smoked and rindless cheese is made from pasteurized goat's milk. The aromas are woody, while ... READ MORE
Stokes Point Smoked Cheddar is an Australian cheese produced by King Island Dairy on King Island, just south of Melbourne. The cheese is made from cow's milk and it's naturally smoked with Tasmanian hardwood. After 9 months of ma... READ MORE
Salemville Smokehaus Blue is an American blue cheese hailing from Wisconsin. The cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk and it's smoked with applewood. Underneath its natural rind, the texture is semi-soft and creamy, with blue veins ... READ MORE
Ricotta affumicata di Mammola is made from the whey of goat's milk. The cheese has a soft, velvety texture, a slightly salty and fresh flavor, and a distinct smoky aroma imparted during the production process. After coagulating goat's milk with fi... READ MORE
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