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Authentic Śledzie Recipe Poland, Europe


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though

Introduction & history

Served on Christmas Eve, during Lent, as a party appetizer or a side dish, Polish śledzie is a versatile dish made with salted herrings pickled in vinegar, oil, sour cream, onion, apples, and spices. Its preparation begins with pre-salted herrings which can be purchased whole (with skin and bones) or filleted. To remove excess salt and pungent smell, the herrings are soaked in cold water for a few hours or overnight, after which they are marinated or pickled. Oil and vinegar are the most traditional options, and they are usually combined with peppercorns, bay leaves, and allspice. However, the pickle can also include a variety of other ingredients such as apples, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, raisins, prunes, etc. which sometimes leads to crossing the blurry line towards sałatka and surówka — popular Polish salads which can include śledzie. While most śledzie recipes include marinades made with raw ingredients, there is a local variety from ... Read more