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Sheftalia | Traditional Ground Meat Dish From Cyprus | TasteAtlas
Sheftalia | Traditional Ground Meat Dish From Cyprus | TasteAtlas
Sheftalia | Traditional Ground Meat Dish From Cyprus | TasteAtlas
Sheftalia | Traditional Ground Meat Dish From Cyprus | TasteAtlas


(Şeftali kebabı, σεφταλιά, σιεφταλιά)

This traditional Cypriot sausage is made from a mixture of minced pork and lamb, chopped red onion, and parsley wrapped in caul fat, a thin fatty membrane that lines the stomach of cows, sheep, and pigs.

There are two theories as to how the dish got its name – either from the Turkish word şeftali, which means peach, most likely as a reference to its texture, or from the name of the street vendor who is credited with having invented it.

The meat mixture is seasoned with salt, pepper, and cinnamon, and then formed into small sausages which are skewered and grilled. As the meat cooks, the caul fat renders, giving the sausages a crispy, caramelized exterior while keeping the meat on the inside tender and juicy.

Sheftalia is commonly served in a pita, topped with salad and tzatziki, a sauce made with yogurt, cucumber and olive oil.