Serviettenknödel are German bread dumplings, or Semmelknödel that derive their name - napkin dumplings - from the way they are traditionally cooked: wrapped tightly and steamed inside a cloth napkin called serviette in German.
They are typically made with pieces of stale bread rolls, baguettes, or pretzels, milk, eggs, lard, and softened onions. The bread mixture is usually seasoned with salt and pepper, and it is often enhanced with freshly chopped parsley and nutmeg for extra flavor.
Once done, the log-shaped dumplings are generally cut into thick slices which can either be eaten as they are or pan-fried until nicely browned. These savory bread dumplings are a typical accompaniment to various roast meat delicacies, rouladen, gravy, mushroom sauces, and lentils, and they’ve been traditionally prepared for special occasions such as Christmas dinners and weddings.
Rindsgoulasch is an Austrian and German take on the Hungarian goulash that is considered a staple of Viennese cuisine. It is typically prepared with beef, onions, garlic,... Read more
Rouladen are traditional German meat rolls stuffed with a variety of ingredients. They are always served accompanied by a creamy sauce. The rolls are usually made with ... Read more
The traditional German pot roast is one of the best ways to transform more tougher cuts of beef into a tender, succulent meal. Chuck and bottom round are most favored ... Read more