In English butchery, rump is a primal beef cut positioned at the hindquarters, directly behind the sirloin and ahead of the leg. The rump is from a muscle group that is relatively active, granting it a pronounced beefy flavor and a texture that's slightly firmer than cuts like the sirloin.
Given its robust taste, the rump is particularly favored by beef connoisseurs who appreciate a meatier bite. Its texture, although less tender than some other premium cuts, offers a chewiness that many find satisfying, especially when cooked to perfection.
Rump steaks, sliced from this primal cut, are a popular choice for grilling, frying, or broiling. They benefit from a high-heat, quick-cooking method that sears the exterior and retains the juicy interior. Due to its leanness, it's advisable not to cook rump steaks beyond medium to preserve their moisture and flavor.