Kashkaval pane is the name for Bulgarian fried cheese. It's made by breading and frying yellow kashkaval cheese. This sheep's milk cheese is semi-hard in texture, and it's especially well-suited for cooking, grating, and melting. Kashkaval pane is... READ MORE
Traditional Romanian-style cornmeal porridge called mămăligă is combined with white cheese in this simple Romanian dish. To make mămăligă, a mixture of cornmeal, salt, and water is gradually poured into boiling water and cooked until it h... READ MORE
Mămăliguță cu brânză și smântănă combines traditional Romanian-style cornmeal porridge with cheese and sour cream. To make mămăliguță or mămăligă, cornmeal is gradually added into boiling salted water and cooked until thickened and smo... READ MORE