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Rocky Mountain Oysters | Traditional Offal Dish From Colorado, United States of America | TasteAtlas

Rocky Mountain Oysters

(Prairie Oysters, Calf Fries, Huevos de Toro, Cowboy Caviar, Montana Tendergroins, Dusted Nuts, Bull Fries, Swinging Beef)

Despite their misleading name, Rocky Mountain oysters are actually bulls' testicles that are peeled, pounded, coated in flour, salt, and pepper, then fried. This unusual appetizer can be found in the American West and western Canada, and it is believed that the dish was invented by some of the first ranchers who had inhabited the West.

Because they were in need of cheap sources of food, the ranchers began to cook animal testicles with branding coals. Nowadays, Rocky Mountain oysters are a true delicacy that is usually served with demi-glace sauce in Canada, while in America they are typically served with cocktail sauce on the side.