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Rex Restaurant

Corfu City, Greece

Kapodistriou 66, Corfu City 491 00, Greece +30 2661 039649


Meat Dish


Recommended by Lonely Planet and 1 other food critic.
Beef Dish


Recommended by Lonely Planet and 1 other food critic.


"A favourite local rendezvous, especially for leisurely lunches, this stately cafe-restaurant set a block back from the Liston serves a Mediterranean-leaning menu, with specialities such as Corfiot rooster (cooked in tomato sauce)."
"A favourite local rendezvous, especially for leisurely lunches, this stately cafe-restaurant set a block back from the Liston serves a Mediterranean-leaning menu, with specialities such as veal sofrito (cooked in wine and garlic)."
"Rex is a historical Corfu restaurant, in the heart of Corfu Town, behind Liston paved avenue. Rex restaurant is a culinary meeting point for Corfiots since 1932 and has clients that have been eating there for years! Don’t miss to try the Corfiot pastitsada."
"Rex is a historical Corfu restaurant, in the heart of Corfu Town, behind Liston paved avenue. Rex restaurant is a culinary meeting point for Corfiots since 1932 and has clients that have been eating there for years! Don’t miss to try the Corfiot sofrito."

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