"The Kyoto style pork salt broth ramen is the highlight, and it has a well-rounded flavor and is topped with delicious chashu pork slices. (This might be the best chashu I’ve ever had.)"
"It's worth waiting the out-the-door queue at Ramen Sen-no-Kaze for one of their heart bowl-loads, well matched by a side of gyoza dumplings."
on Gyoza
"It's worth waiting the out-the-door queue at Ramen Sen-no-Kaze for one of their heart bowl-loads, well matched by a side of gyoza dumplings."
on Shio ramen
"Best restaurant in Kyoto - Ramen Sen No Kaze. Shio ramen is served, broth is based on soybeans and chicken. But the key to this ramen is in the chashu: barbecued pork slices of pork served with ramen. The difference between its preparation makes Ramen Sen No Kaze a wonder."
on Shio ramen
"The Kyoto style pork salt broth ramen is the highlight, and it has a well-rounded flavor and is topped with delicious chashu pork slices. (This might be the best chashu I’ve ever had.)"
on Shio ramen
"The ramen here is spicy and filling and absolutely delicious. Perfect drinking food. This one is definitely worth trying."
on Shio ramen
"If you only go to one restaurant that I recommend, you MUST eat at Ramen Sen No Kaze! This is one of the BEST ramen’s we’ve ever eaten."
on Shio ramen
"With a good selection of ramen and full seats, Ramen no Kaze serves a flavorful broth plus the best Chashu I had -- crispy exterior and tender interior."
on Shio ramen
"Ramen Sen No Kaze, No1 in Kyoto did not disappoint: Adam was absolutely in love, as he is a ramen fanatic he ordered a second round of noodles and I ordered more of the grilled pork, as it was so tender and juicy that it melted in your mouth."
on Shio ramen
"Their speciality came in a creamy, pork-based broth with a slight salty flavour. Noodles were thin but well cooked, and the meat thick and delicious. The highlight was the meat: full of flavour. The soup was also different to what most places offer, so it is worth a visit just to try something new."
on Shio ramen
"These are some of the meals I’ll remember hopefully forever, they tasted so good that I can still recall how they looked, smelled, and best of all tasted to this day. Ramen Sen no Kaze in Kyoto : shio ramen with soft-boiled egg."
on Shio ramen