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WHERE TO EAT The best Quad City-Style Pizza in the world (according to food experts)

Recommended by Ashok Selvam and 4 other food critics.
"The neighborhood can finally enjoy the malted-crust Quad City-style pies, cut into strips with the toppings buried under the cheese."
Recommended by PureWow and 3 other food critics.
"Welcome to the home of Quad City-style pizza, which features malt in the dough, a spicy sauce and toppings under the cheese. And don’t you dare cut this baby into slices--in Iowa, we eat our pizza in strips"
Recommended by Tabelog and 2 other food critics.
"They have some fantastic specialty pizzas. We definitely love the BLT pizza and the Taco pizza."
Recommended by Andrew Slater and 2 other food critics.
"It’s definitely worth the hype. Happy Joe’s is technically considered Quad-City style, even though its pizzas are cut as traditional slices rather than strips."
Recommended by Michael Benson and 1 other food critic.
"Top Five Places to Get a Quad City-Style Pizza: Pizza Shack - They differ with a thicker crust and a lot more cheese."
Recommended by Road Tips
"They're well known for their pizza. It, too, is almost always good."
Recommended by Sandra Sepaniak
This is the most ubiquitous example of a Quad City-style pizza. The long slices and slightly spicy sauce are a staple and the crust is perfectly toothsome. I would absolutely recommend this as an example of what a QC-style pizza can be.