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Try changing the search filters.Hollandse maatjesharing are small fish, specifically herrings, that are headed and brined or dry-salted using traditional Dutch methods and consumed after natural ripening. Only herrings caught between May 1 to August 31 can be called
Surströmming is a fermented fish product made with strömming, a type of herring, sourced from the cold waters of the Baltic Sea, usually in spring. The fish is salted, cleaned, and allowed to ferment before being canned. This he... READ MORE
Glasmästarsill is a traditional Swedish-style preparation of pickled herring. This classic has a crunchier texture than other types of pickled herring because the bones are kept in the fish. The bones become softer for each day they remain in... READ MORE
In 1395, a Dutchman named Jan Pieter Beukelzoon came up with the idea of maturing freshly caught herring in brine. The name of this 'virgin herring' finds its root in the Dutch word for girls (Meisjes). The original Glückstä... READ MORE
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The open-faced sandwich known as sol over Gudhjem is a variety of the ubiquitous Danish smørrebrød. It is prepared with buttered rye bread that is typically topped with smoked or marinated herring, radish, chives, onion ring... READ MORE
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Śledzie is a Polish specialty consisting of herrings pickled in various ingredients such as vinegar, oil, sour cream, and onions. Due to the large amount of marinades and flavors, there is also a special variety of sweet herrings. Śledzie is tradi... READ MORE
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Shuba or herring under a fur coat is a unique Russian salad consisting of three distinctive layers: salted herring, potatoes, and beets. The salad often has more than three layers, mostly consisting of apples, onions, or hard-boiled eggs.... READ MORE
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Labskaus is a dish from northern Germany consisting of corned beef, mashed potatoes, and beets, with additional ingredients such as fried eggs, pickles, and rollmops—a pickled, rolled herring. Although its origins are somewhat murky... READ MORE
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Pickled or salted herring fillets are doused in a sweet and sour sauce of cream, yogurt, pickling liquid, and fresh herbs along with apples, pickles, and onions in this German specialty called sahnehering. Typical varieties of herring fillets used... READ MORE
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Karrysild is a traditional spread originating from Denmark. This curried herring spread is usually made with a combination of marinated herrings, curry powder, mayonnaise, and crème fraîche or sour cream. The mayonnaise and crè... READ MORE
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Rengosalata is a traditional smoked herring spread. It's usually made with a combination of herring fillets (or herring roe), scallions, red wine vinegar, potatoes, olive oil, lemon juice, and dill. The herring fillets are puréed with the v... READ MORE