Jamón Ibérico is a unique ham produced both in Spain and in Portugal. It is made from black ibérico pigs who eat a diet of corn, acorns, and other feed, most of them roaming freely across the pastures. As a result, the cured h... READ MORE
Regarded as the most exquisite variety of Iberian ham, or jamón ibérico, this ham is made with the meat of 100% purebred black Iberian pigs that have been roaming freely across oak pastures (Dehesa) and feeding on a... READ MORE
This variety of Iberian ham is produced with meat coming from acorn-fed Iberian pigs that are either 75% or 50% pure Iberian breed, meaning they have been crossbred with other pigs such as the Duroc breed. As in the case of jamó... READ MORE
Beja paio sausage is a smoked meat product made from pork of the Alentejo breed of pigs. Roughly 70-90% of the sausage consists of lean meat, while the remaining 10-30% is fat. The pork meat and fat are diced and mixed with water... READ MORE
This sausage is made with fatty cuts of pork taken from the Alentejo breed of pigs with the addition of wheat flour, garlic, paprika, salt, and water. The animals are fattened and fed mostly on acorns, which imparts a distinctive flavor t... READ MORE
This smoked sausage is similar to chorizo, but longer. It is made with the meat and fat from the Alentejo breed of pigs, along with flavorings and seasonings such as paprika, pepper, salt, garlic, and wine. The mixture is marinat... READ MORE
According to EU directives, Portalegre blood sausage can only be produced from the fat and blood of Alentejo pigs in the Portuguese district of Portalegre. The first written records of this smoked black pudding date to the mid-18th centur... READ MORE
Alentejo ham is a regional specialty made from the legs and shoulders of Alentejo pigs produced in the districts of Castelo Branco, Portalegre, Santarém, Évora, Beja, Setubal, and Faro. These areas typically have ho... READ MORE
Vinhais salpicão sausage is a traditional smoked sausage made from pork of the Bísaro breed of pigs from Vinhais in the municipality of Bragança. Bísaro pig farming is widespread throughout this area, ... READ MORE
Traditionally produced in the Portuguese district of Bragança, butelo de vinhais is a smoked sausage made with pork meat and pork loin from Bísaro pigs. The meat is seasoned and flavored with garlic, paprika, bay le... READ MORE
The Estremoz e Borba region in the eastern district of Évora has a unique tradition of smoking and drying meat that has developed across the centuries, and the dried meat products were long the principal source of protein for the local popu... READ MORE
This horseshoe-shaped sausage is made with meat and lard coming from Bísaro breed of pigs. Ground pork is mixed with wine, garlic, salt, powdered chili pepper, and paprika, and it is then stuffed into a thin sausage casing before b... READ MORE
This chorizo sausage is made with pork taken from Alentejo breed pigs raised in the municipalities of Borba, Estremoz, Vila Viçosa, and Alandroal in Portugal's Portalegre district. The pigs feed mainly on acorns, which provide a un... READ MORE
This smoked chorizo sausage is made with meat taken from the Alentejana breed of pigs. The meat is cut into pieces and mixed with water and various seasonings before being manually stuffed into sausage casings and left to smoke slowly ove... READ MORE
This chorizo is a smoked, horseshoe-shaped sausage made in the town of Vinhais and the district of the same name in northern Portugal's Terra Fria region. It is made with the meat of local Bísaro pigs fed on a diet of potatoes, pum... READ MORE
Estremoz e Borba blood sausage is made exclusively with pork taken from the Alentejo breed of pigs. Pork meat and fat are finely cubed, mixed with spices, pig blood, and local wine before being stuffed into animal intestines and ... READ MORE
This smoked chorizo sausage is made from the meat of the Alentejo pig, which is raised throughout the district of Portalegre in Portugal. All of the meat used in this type of sausage must be taken from Alentejo pigs in order to b... READ MORE
According to EU regulations, this blood sausage can only be produced from the fat and blood of Alentejo pigs. It hails from the Portuguese district of Portalegre, which has a long history of pig farming and sausage production. To make this blood s... READ MORE
Presunto de Barrancos is a cured ham specialty originating from the small town of Barrancos in southeastern Portugal. Barrancos ham comes from the Alentejo region, which has a Mediterranean microclimate with high summer temperatures, high... READ MORE
Vinhais ham is a smoked pork meat specialty made from the hind legs of Bisaro pigs raised in the municipality of Bragança in Portugal. Vinhais presunto is made by first massaging raw cuts of pork to eliminate the internal ... READ MORE
The Campo Maior and Elvas ham and paleta are made using pork taken from Alentejo breed pigs raised in the municipalities of Campo Maior and Elvas in Portalegre. These pigs are raised outdoors, feeding on grasses... READ MORE
Santana da Serra ham is made using pork taken from Alentejo breed pigs, which are raised outdoors and feed on a diet consisting of wild herbs and cereals. Santana da Serra presunto is made of thigh meat, while paleta is ... READ MORE
This smoked pork sausage is produced in the region surrounding the town of Portalegre in eastern Portugal. The pork used for these sausages must be taken from the Alentejo breed of pigs, and it is mixed with wheat flour, salt, crushed gar... READ MORE
This chorizo, produced in the Melgaço region in the northeast of Portugal, is a cold-smoked pork sausage made with the addition of pig's blood. The pork used in this sausage must always come from the Bísaro breed of pigs or ... READ MORE
The municipality of Melgaço, strongly influenced by the Minho river, is a must for all lovers of great food. The region's cuisine, while simple, is exceptionally delicious. In addition to the region's excellent wines, one of its most famous... READ MORE
The long history of the Barroso ham is linked to the local Bisaro-Transmontano pig, a traditionally-bred breed that has been of key importance to communities in the area for centuries. Barroso ham is a smoked meat specialty with ... READ MORE
This smoked sausage is made exclusively with meat taken from the Bísaro breed of pig or its cross-breeds, and at least 50% of it must come from pigs raised in the northern district of Bragança in Portugal. The meat is cut in... READ MORE
Farmers in the Alentejo region in western Portugal have a long tradition of pig farming. Pigs were often a backup option for farmers who otherwise mainly dealt in crop farming – the pigs and dried pork products were necessary to help them su... READ MORE
This large and thick chorizo sausage is made with meat from the Alentejo breed of pigs. These pigs feed mostly on acorns which impart a distinctive flavor to the meat used for these sausages. The meat is cut into small pieces and mixed wi... READ MORE
Several factors make this pumpkin chorizo truly unique – the geographical area in which it is produced, the local breed of pig used in the process, the quality of the local pumpkins, and the traditional smoking process. This pumpkin chorizo ... READ MORE
Products derived from the meat of the Alentejo pig breed have always been very important for the supply of the whole region. Among these products, the Estremoz and Borba paia bacon sausage is especially striking and considered pr... READ MORE
Barroso-Montalegre salpicão sausage is a smoked sausage made from pork of the Bísaro breed of pigs or crossbreeds of the Bísaro pig. It originates from the Montalegre region in the northern Portugues... READ MORE
Barroso-Montalegre blood sausage is a regional traditional specialty made with bread, smoked meat, lard, and blood from the Bísaro breed of pigs or their crossbreeds. The history of this blood sausage is rooted in the tradition of ... READ MORE
This smoked pork sausage is produced in the Portalegre region of eastern Portugal. The original intent of this sausage was to conserve meat for as long as possible. The region's climate is characterized by cold and dry winters that are ideal for t... READ MORE
This smoked sausage is made with pork from the Alentejo breed of pigs, which are reared and slaughtered exclusively in the region of Portalegre. Portalegre is located near the mountainous range of Serra de São Mamede, with a microc... READ MORE
This pork sausage, which is made from the top loin from the Alentejo breed of pigs, is produced in the Portalegre district in eastern Portugal. The temperature, humidity, and altitude of this region are ideal for the production of excelle... READ MORE
This sausage is made from pork loin taken from the Alentejo breed of pigs raised in the Portuguese district of Portalegre. The animals feed mostly on acorns, and they impart a unique flavor to the meat. The meat is dressed and scored to a... READ MORE
This smoked, horseshoe-shaped sausage is made from pork taken from the Bísaro breed of pig, and it is produced in Melgaço county in northern Portugal on the Rio Minho. This region is high and remote, and harsh living conditi... READ MORE
Originating from the far northern tip of the country, Melgaço salpicão sausage is a traditional cured and cold-smoked sausage. The proximity of the ocean and the unique combination of winds and cold winters in the Viana do C... READ MORE
Porco na banha is a traditional method of preserving pork by storing it in its own rendered fat. This technique, often used in rural areas, involves slowly cooking seasoned pork cuts such as belly, shoulder, or ribs in their own fat until tender. ... READ MORE