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Authentic Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato Recipe Portugal, Europe


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though

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Cooking tips

  • how to pick the perfect clams

    Fresh clams will be firmly closed; any cracked or half-opened ones that do not close when tapped (before cooking!) are not to be used.

Authentic Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato

PREP 15min

COOK 5min

soaking 30min

READY IN 50min


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The following amêijoas à bulhão pato recipe is the traditional and authentic one, needing only clams, garlic, olive oil, coriander, and lemon juice to prepare. The recipe is courtesy of, Portugal's official tourism website, and based on the recipe of the diva of Portugal's gastronomy, that The New York Times named Portugal's Julia Child, Maria de Lourdes Modesto, even though she was the first to have a live cooking show ever to be shown on national TV. 


4 Servings

1 kg (2.2 lbs) clams

2 garlic cloves

1 lemon

1 bunch of coriander



olive oil


Step 1/5

Begin by cleaning the clams. Soak them in a bowl of salted water, changing the water multiple times. This process helps the clams expel any sand they contain.

Step 2/5

Heat some olive oil in a pan and toss in the chopped garlic cloves. Allow the garlic to gently cook until it's fragrant.

Step 3/5

Next, add the clams to the pan along with chopped coriander. Season with salt and pepper, and give the clams an occasional stir.

Step 4/5

Once all the clams have opened, squeeze in the juice from half a lemon.

Step 5/5

Serve the clams hot, accompanied by the remaining lemon cut into wedges for additional flavoring.

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