"Good product but doesn't have much taste"
"From a creamy milk (8% fat) far much more than the regular cows milk, this pasta filata cheese has the best consistency and flavor to be consumed on it's own (capresse, salads) or for prepared dishes. A cheese that makes you feel the freshness of milk."
"Il y a buffala et buffala. La seule et vraie se déguste en Italie directement auprès du producteur, en vente directe à la ferme. Tous les autres ne sont que de pâles copies. Manque de rondeurs et de parfums."
"I would walk across a desert made of shards of broken glass to get another taste of this."
"Nothing better than this in this world"
"The best is made in Mondragone, Capua and Aversa, near Caserta, and also in Battipaglia, near Salerno."
"An impossibly soft, buttery, full, sacory taste. Refreshing, good, meaty and delicious. A plate on its own!"
"The best in the world"
"Best cheese in the world"