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Maci Lángosozó

Pécs, Hungary

Maci Lángosozó | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Maci Lángosozó | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Maci Lángosozó | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Maci Lángosozó | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Szigeti út 51, 7633 Pécs, Hungary +36 20 619 5458




Recommended by Nikolett Kaprinyák and 4 other food critics.


"One of the most delicious Lángos buffets in Hungary."
"5 lángosozó you have to go to if you want to eat good: Maci Lángosozó - If there’s a place you always have to go back to, that’s it. Nyamm!"
"If you want to eat a good (or above average) Lángos in Pécs, head to Maci Lángosozó. It is soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside, tasty and so large."
"My favorites are Mérges Maci Bácsi and Stroganoff Maci, the latter I eat with tomatoes instead of mushrooms, but only because mushrooms are one of the few foods I can’t eat."
"My rating: 10/10!"

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