These tasty peaches of the May Crest, Spring Crest, June Gold, Dixired, Red Haven, Maria Bianca, Sun Cloud, Flavor Crest, Sun Crest, J.H. Hale, Honey Dew Hale, Naoussa Late, and Loring varieties grow in the Greek region of Central Macedonia. Even ... READ MORE
Milo Kastorias are red and yellow apples cropped from the apple trees of the family Rosaceae and the sub-family Pomoideae in the prefecture of Kastoria. The red apples are of the varieties Starking, Starkrim... READ MORE
The delicious Pierias kiwi was first grown in 1973 on the Pierian plains, and it showed an amazing adaptability to the microclimate of this region nestled between Mt. Pierus and Mt. Olympus. The soil composition and cultivation techniques are the ... READ MORE
This cherry is produced through cross-pollination between Tragana ofi Edhessa and Napoleon trees. These trees have been traditionally cultivated in the village of Rodochori in Kozani prefecture since the 1950s. These cherries wou... READ MORE