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Lobio | Traditional Stew From Georgia, Eastern Europe | TasteAtlas
Lobio | Traditional Stew From Georgia, Eastern Europe | TasteAtlas
Lobio | Traditional Stew From Georgia, Eastern Europe | TasteAtlas
Lobio | Traditional Stew From Georgia, Eastern Europe | TasteAtlas
Lobio | Traditional Stew From Georgia, Eastern Europe | TasteAtlas



Lobio is a Georgian invention that refers to a wide group of dishes that employ beans as a key ingredient. Most commonly, those are red kidney beans, boiled with various spices to create a thick stew, commonly served with mchadi, a traditional Georgian cornbread.

Among numerous other varieties, lobio nigozit, which incorporates mashed beans in a thick walnut sauce, is the most common version. The dish can also appear in a form of a salad, with whole or mashed beans, and it is typically served cold.