"Sweet or salty, here the soufflé is king, and the gluttony his companion!"
"Sweet or salty, here the soufflé is king, and the gluttony his companion!"
on Soufflé
"That day, on the menu: cheese soufflé. Sweet or salty, here the soufflé is king, and the gluttony his companion!"
"Crowd favourites at Le Récamier include the chocolate soufflé."
"Crowd favourites at Le Récamier include the fromage (cheese) soufflé."
"Among the good picks: the cheese soufflé."
"Oh. Mon. Dieu. Diabolical. This was perfection."
"In this elegant restaurant, a superb level of quality is put at service of a classic cuisine whose specialties are now the cheese souffles which one comes to indulge in."
"Although the cheese soufflé had a subtler taste than we were expecting, it was light, crispy, soft, visually spectacular… everything you could ask from a soufflé."