"Of the several bakeries in Racine that specialize in kringle, Larsen’s is a special joy to visit, for the various kinds of kringle are arrayed on the bakery shelf to admire, and there often are little samples on the counter to taste."
"Of the several bakeries in Racine that specialize in kringle, Larsen’s is a special joy to visit, for the various kinds of kringle are arrayed on the bakery shelf to admire, and there often are little samples on the counter to taste."
"The amazing Larsen's Kringle."
"For almost four decades, the family-run bakery known as Larsen’s has been turning out delicious, flaky Danish Kringle."
"Making the pastry is three day process but the results are well worth it; a light, flaky pastry that is full of flavor. Fresh fruits, nuts, and other seasonal ingredients are used for filling and then it is topped with sugar or white icing."
"Carrot Cake Kringle. It really is a terrific blend of two fall time favorites — Carrot cake and Kringle."