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La Peral

(Queso de La Peral, Azul Asturiano, Queso Azul Asturiano)

La Peral is a Spanish blue cheese produced in a remote area of Asturias by Esther Alvarez and her husband Jose Luis Lopez. The cheese is named after a local village and it's made from a blend of pasteurized cow's milk and sheep's cream.

It ages from 2 to 5 months. When young, the texture of La Peral is firm, yet moist, while the blue veins hide a somewhat granular texture. The flavor is smooth, sweet, caramel-like, buttery, mushroomy, and tangy. When aged, the texture becomes more pliant and soft, while the flavors become more intense and piquant.

It's recommended to pair the cheese with a glass of Sherry.