We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though
Halfway between porridge and pudding, Ukrainian kutia is a simple, nutritious dish served on festive occasions such as Christmas Eve, Orthodox New Year’s Eve, Epiphany and Easter. The recipe and its ingredients depend on the occasion, the region, and the family tradition. Generally speaking, багата кутя (bahata kutia) or rich kutia is prepared on Christmas Eve and is made with wheat or barley, poppy seeds, honey, nuts and dried fruit, most commonly raisins; one of its main characteristics is that it must be lean. On the other hand, щедра кутя (schedra kutia) or generous kutia is made before the Orthodox New Year (January 14th) and contains the same ingredients as rich kutia but is also enriched with butter, milk, or cream and the occasional splash of wine, cognac or other alcoholic beverages. Finally, голодна кутя (golodna kutia) or hungry kutia is served on Epiphany (January 18th) and is made only with grains and a small amount of sweetener, since ... Read more