"A sweet, gooey pudding with a caramelized sugar exterior and shredded chicken breast incorporated throughout. Weird but quite tasty! This restaurant also serves an incredible fig custard pudding."
"Finish with a uniquely Turkish dessert of caramelized pudding made with chicken breast. No kidding."
"Göreme Muhallebicisi in Kurtuluş is one of the best places to try out kazandibi (thick pudding with a slightly burnt caramel top)."
"No matter how much you eat, you should always spare some room for the delicious desserts. Hacı Abdullah is very rich in terms of offering different types of Turkish desserts as well. Kazandibi (meaning “bottom of a cauldron”) is worth trying. Delicious."
"What to eat: Apart from their famous milk pudding, do not forget to check out their cheeses and breads."
"The kazandibi (chicken-breast pudding) is recommended."
"Your best bet is to try it at Saray Muhallebicisi."
"Your best bet is to try it at Sutiş."