Considered to be among the world's top quality cheeses, Parmigiano Reggiano is made with raw, semi-skimmed milk from cows grazing on fresh grass and hay. It has a hard, gritty texture and its flavors range from nutty to robust and slightly piquant... READ MORE
First produced in the 11th century by the Cistercian monks of the Santa Maria di Rovegnano Abbey in Chiaravalle Milanese, Grana Padano is known as one of the very few parmesan cheeses that can possibly compete with the far more famous
This hard cooked cheese is made with whole milk from pasture-grazed sheep, and has a particularly salty and slightly piquant flavor. Aged for at least 5 months, Pecorino Romano makes an excellent table cheese, particularly when combined with fresh... READ MORE
Produced exclusively on the island of Sardinia, Pecorino Sardo is a semi-cooked, hard cheese made with whole milk from the pasture-grazing Sarda sheep. This breed is indigenous to Sardinia, raised throughout Italy and considered to be amo... READ MORE
Just as the name might indicate, Ragusano originates from the provinces of Ragusa as well as the neighboring Siracusa, and it is one of the oldest cheeses produced in Sicily, first mentioned in the early 1500s. This semi-hard cheese is ma... READ MORE
Certainly the finest and most well-known cheese of Valtellina valley, Bitto is a semi-hard or hard cheese, sold after it has been aged anywhere from 40 days to 3 years. The ancient production technique of this iconic Lombardian cheese dat... READ MORE
Caprino is a goat’s milk cheese made throughout Italy - the name derives from the Italian word capra, meaning goat. It the region of Molise, it is produced mainly around Montefalcone del Sannio, in the province of Campobasso. Made f... READ MORE
One of the oldest cheeses produced in Europe, Pecorino Siciliano is a semi-cooked, hard cheese, made with raw, whole milk from various sheep breeds reared all across the island of Sicily. Easily distinguished by the reed woven basket patt... READ MORE
Produced on Sicily and Sardinia, Primo sale is an Italian cheese made from sheep's milk. Its texture is crunchy, with irregular eyes, while the aromas are pungent and the flavors are herbaceous, slightly tangy, and milky. It is believed t... READ MORE
Produced only on the Italian island of Sardinia, where the traditions of sheep farming and cheesemaking can be traced back to 1000 BCE, Fiore Sardo is a hard cheese made from whole sheep’s milk from local breeds. After six months of... READ MORE
Grana Padano Oltre 16 mesi is a version of Grana Padano that's aged from 16 to 20 months. Due to the aging process, its texture gets crumbly, so this version is often used for grating over various dishes. The flavors are more herbal and m... READ MORE
Pecorino pepato is an Italian variety of Pecorino hailing from Sicily. The cheese is made from raw sheep's milk and ages from 2 to 4 months. Underneath the natural rind, the texture is flaky and creamy, dotted with black peppercorns that ... READ MORE
Pecorino di Pienza is a traditional variety of Pecorino produced in Pienza in the province of Siena. The cheese is made from sheep's milk and comes in a few versions – some are young, some covered in straw, some rubbed with ash, and... READ MORE
Carnia is an Italian hard cheese produced in the eponymous historical-geographical region. The cheese is made from raw milk of the Bruna Alpina cattle that freely graze the Alps. The best wheels are aged for over a year, but most producer... READ MORE
Maiorchino is a traditional cheese hailing from Sicilia. The cheese is usually made from whole sheep's milk and either goat's or cow's milk. It's produced from February to June, and it ages from about 6-8 months to a maximum of 24 months.... READ MORE
Trentingrana is an Italian Grana cheese hailing from Trento. The cheese is made from raw cow's milk and it ages for 22 months. The rind is thick and dark yellow in color, imprinted with the word Trentino on each wheel. The textur... READ MORE
Named after a river which runs through the province of Belluno, the northernmost part of Veneto, Piave is a cooked hard cheese made with pasteurized cow’s milk. It is available in following varieties: Fresco (fresh), Me... READ MORE
Produced in the region of Basilicata, Canestrato di Moliterno is made from whole goat's and sheep's milk. It is matured in the so-called fondaci, a type of dry, cold, but well-ventilated semi-underground warehouse typical for the... READ MORE
Parmigiano Reggiano di Frisona Italiana is a variety of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese made from the milk of Italian Frisona (Friesian) cows, which is one of the most widely recognized and easily available types due to its widespread use; hence it's k... READ MORE
Grana Padano Riserva is a variety of Grana Padano that's aged for over 20 months. Compared with the other versions, this one has much stronger flavors that are nutty and savory. The texture is much oilier and there are more protein crysta... READ MORE
The origins of this Lombardian cheese can be traced back to the 1500s when the first cooperative dairies appeared in Valtellina valley. Derived from Latin words for cheese (caseus or casei), the word Casera was used to d... READ MORE
Traditionally produced in the provinces of Foggia and Bari, Canestrato Pugliese is a hard cheese made from sheep's milk. It is one of the most prized products of the Apulia region, masterfully crafted from December to May, at altitudes va... READ MORE
Bettelmatt is a rare toma cheese hailing from Piedmont, particularly the Val Formazza. The cheese is produced exclusively during summer months. It's made from the milk of local cows which graze on high pastures, and it's believed that the... READ MORE
Bella Lodi is a hard Italian cheese produced in an ancient dairy farm in Parco Adda Sud. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a rich aroma, while its texture is flaky, grainy, and crumbly. It is also known as the Black Par... READ MORE
Named after Filiano, a town settled in the province of Potenza in northern Basilicata, this variety of a semi-cooked hard cheese is made with fresh raw sheep milk obtained only from local breeds: Gentile di Puglia and Lucania,
Even though it looks a lot like Pecorino Toscano, apart from being produced in two different Italian regions, these two aged semi-firm sheep milk cheeses both have their own specific flavor profile. Every Pecorino has that famous sweet an... READ MORE
Storico Ribelle is a traditional type of Italian Bitto cheese originating from the Valgerola area of Valtellina. The cheese is made from a mixture of raw cow's and Orobic goat's milk and it's left to age for a minimum of 70 days. However, some whe... READ MORE
First mentioned in the 1600s, this Lombardian cheese comes from Val Camonica - one of the largest valleys of the central Alps, and the east side of Lake Iseo, both located in the province of Brescia. Silter is a semi-fat, hard cheese made... READ MORE
Traditionally produced in the Sicilian province of Enna which is nestled in the lush Dittaino Valley, Piacentinu Ennese is a pressed, hard cheese made with raw, whole sheep’s milk, with the addition of saffron and black peppercorns.... READ MORE
Apulian Pecorino is a sheep's milk cheese with a very long tradition, produced mainly in the areas around Bari, Murgia, and Dauno Apennines. During the lactation period of sheeps, between February and October, it is still hand-made using ... READ MORE
Grana Padano 9-16 mesi is the youngest version of Grana Padano, aged from 9 to 16 months. Its flavor is lighter and the texture is not as crumbly, but more elastic and creamy. The flavors are delicate, buttery, and creamy, with hints of f... READ MORE
Parmigiano Reggiano delle vacche rosse is a premium variety of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese made from the milk of the Rossa Reggiana (Red Reggiana) cows. This milk is renowned for its exceptional cheese-making properties, particularly its high conce... READ MORE
This Italian cheese is also dubbed 'the lost cheese of Sicily' because it's produced by a single cheesemaker named Salvatore Passalaqua. Aged for more than 6 months, the cheese is made from raw cow's milk according to an ancient recipe th... READ MORE
Produced throughout the entire Comino Valley in the Province of Frosinone, Pecorino di Picinisco is an uncooked, hard cheese made with raw sheep milk. It is available in two varieties, Scamosciato (semi-matured) and Stagionat... READ MORE