Not to be confused with the wine varietal, Chianti Classico is an olive oil produced in Colline del Chianti, a range of hills situated in the heart of Tuscany, between Florence and Siena. This central Tuscan extra virgin olive oil has a m... READ MORE
The origins of the extra virgin olive oil Bruzio have been traced back to the time of Ancient Greece when the olive was first introduced to the province of Cosenza (Cosentia). Named after an ancient Tuscan-speaking tribe of Bruzi (Bruttii... READ MORE
Sabina extra virgin olive oil is perhaps one of the most renowned olive oils in Italy, although not much about it is known outside the country. It is produced in the Sabina hills, located between the provinces of Rieti and Rome, and the entire pro... READ MORE
Here in the region of ancient Lucania olives have been cultivated since the times of Magna Graecia, and although they don’t produce very high yields, the oil pressed from these olives has always been prized as a product of highest quality. <... READ MORE
Produced in the entire region of Calabria, this extra virgin olive oil has a slightly bitter and spicy taste and it is characterized by an intense golden yellow to green color and a fruity aroma exuding the scent of ripe olives. Olio di Calabr... READ MORE
Colline Salernitane extra virgin olive oil is produced in the hills around the city of Salerno in Campania. The designated zone of production stretches from the Amalfi Coast to the Cilento National Park, and the microclimate of the area g... READ MORE
Here in the hills surrounding the provinces of Rimini and the neighboring Forlì-Cesena, the olives have been cultivated for centuries. The extra virgin olive oil Colline di Romagna is made mostly from the Correggiolo and <... READ MORE
This variety of Sicilian extra virgin olive oil is produced with the local cultivar Nocellara del Belice, which is said to be 2700 years old. However, due to efforts of the local olive growers, the use of this product as a table olive oil... READ MORE
Many historical sources show that the tradition of olive oil production in the wider Cartoceto area goes back to the 13th century when the Mezzadria agreement used to oblige olive growers to pay a hundred soldi or give half of their crop ... READ MORE
Produced in the Lamone valley, in the provinces of Ravenna and Forlì, Brisighella extra virgin olive oil of is obtained almost exclusively from the Nostrana di Brisighella olive variety, cultivated at a very low altitude o... READ MORE
Produced in the entire region of Liguria, Riviera Ligure extra virgin olive oil is obtained from the olive cultivars of Taggiasca, Lavagnina, Razzola, and Pignola. The olives must be harvested by the en... READ MORE
Pressed from the Carolea olive variety, which accounts for the largest part of at least 90%, the extra virgin olive oil Lametia is produced only in the Calabrian province of Catanzaro, particularly along the coastal strip surroun... READ MORE
Valli Trapanesi extra virgin olive oil has been produced in the Sicilian province of Trapani since ancient times. This high-quality oil has a maximum acidity of 0.50% and is especially prized for its nutritional values. It is produced in ... READ MORE
Obtained from the Biancolilla, Nocellara del Belice and Cerasuola olive varieties, with at least 90% present in the olive groves, alone or in combination, Val di Mazara extra virgin olive oil is a product of sun... READ MORE
Olive cultivation around the Monte Iblei mountain massif dates back to the times of Great Greece, which is substantiated with the ancient olive oil commercial trade agreements known as pandette. Today, the prized Monti Iblei oil ... READ MORE
The extra virgin olive oil Colline Teatine is sometimes called also Frentano or Vastese, after the towns of Castel Frentano and Vasto, located in the province of Chieti in southern Abruzzo, where this oil is traditionall... READ MORE
Produced in the province of Latina, located in the Lazio region, Colline Pontine extra virgin olive oil is predominantly made from the Itrana cultivar, a particularly large and fleshy variety, introduced to the wider Latina regio... READ MORE
Another typical Sicilian product, Valdemone olive oil comes from the ancient Vallis Nemorum, today known as Valdemone or even Val di Demona - the Demon Valley. Popular in the Roman times because of its dense forests, Valdemone was once an... READ MORE
The extra virgin olive oil Collina di Brindisi is made in the Apulia region. Ogliarola Salentina is the predominant olive variety used for producing this excellent oil, the content of which must be at least 70% of the final produ... READ MORE
The extra virgin olive oil Alto Crotonese is a top quality oil made by pressing olives of the Carolea variety, the content of which must not be less than 70%, while the remaining 30% comes from olive varieties of PennularaREAD MORE
The tradition of olive growing in the province of Taranto goes back 8.000 years. Historical evidence shows that by the 2nd millennium BCE, in the transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age, the ancient tribe of Messapii, who settled in the ... READ MORE
The Irpinia-Colline dell’Ufita extra virgin olive oil is produced in the province of Avellino and obtained predominantly from the Ravece cultivar (at least 60% of the groves), which is ideal for growing in this area thanks... READ MORE
Olio lucano is an Italian extra-virgin olive oil originating from the region of Basilicata. The color of this olive oil ranges between green and yellow. The fruitiness, bitterness, and pungency are of a medium range, and there are aromatic notes o... READ MORE
This extra virgin olive oil is produced in the Lazio region, namely the province of Viterbo, and has derived from olives of the Canino type. Although higher in quality, the oil content of Canino olives is in the lower range (about 14 to 1... READ MORE
As it might be suggested by its name, Penisola Sorrentina extra virgin olive oil of is produced on the peninsula of Sorrentina, located in the province od Naples, where olive cultivation dates back to the era of Great Greece. The Sorrent... READ MORE
Terre Aurunche extra virgin olive oil is produced in the province of Caserta and predominantly obtained from the indigenous Sessana olive variety, which must make up at least 70% of the groves. Terre Aurunche has a mild to strong f... READ MORE
Even though the presence of olive trees in the wider Bari area dates back as far back as the Neolithic, the cultivation of olives together with the trade and export of olive oil hasn't truly flourished until the Roman times. Back then, olive oil w... READ MORE
As the name might suggest, Terre di Siena extra virgin olive oil is produced in the Tuscan province of Siena, where the cultivation of olive trees dates back as far as the late Middle Ages. This olive oil is obtained from at least two of the follo... READ MORE
According to many historical findings, the slopes of the Sicilian volcano Etna have a rich history and tradition of producing olive oil and the surrounding volcanic soil seems to be perfect for olive cultivation. Monte Etna extra virgin o... READ MORE
Many archaeological findings suggest that olives were cultivated around the Garda lake since the prehistoric times, where the remains of an ancient oil mill have been discovered. With an equally long tradition, the extra virgin olive oil of Garda ... READ MORE
Laghi Lombardi extra virgin olive oil comes in two varieties, Sebino and Lario. Both are produced in Lombardy: Sebino in the provinces of Brescia and Bergamo, and Lario in the provinces of Como and Lecco. Sebino oil is o... READ MORE
This variety of olive oil is produced in the province of Pescara located in the heart of the Abruzzo region which is characterized by mountains and hills, settled between the Sirente area and the Adriatic sea. Due to the micro-climate of the area ... READ MORE
Pretuziano delle Colline Teramane olive oil was named after the Italic tribe of Praetuzi who lived in the area of the present-day province of Teramo, circa 300 BCE. Pretuziano extra virgin olive oil is obtained predominantly from the indi... READ MORE