"The multi-layered cake known as gibanica is easily the best in the city and an absolute must for dessert."
"Try the the multi-layered cake gibanica."
"The multi-layered cake known as gibanica is easily the best in the city and an absolute must for dessert."
"Memorable Prekmurska gibanica — a layered cake made from poppy seeds, walnuts, apples, raisins and cottage cheese."
"Try the gibanica, considered the best in the city."
"A must for dessert is gibanica – multi-layered cake that is Prekmurje’s gift to the world."
"This marvellous, countrified restaurant specializes in Prekmurje cuisine, so expect scrumptious gibanica (cheese pastry)."
"For regional cuisine, try Güjžina where you can get genuine food from Prekmurje, including the famous cake, Prekmurska gibanica."
"Then, there's Prekmurska gibanica, a heftier sweet treat that features apples, raisins, and walnuts with ricotta filling. Try a piece at Gujzina (Mestni Trg 19) in Ljubljana and you won't need to eat for days."
User comments
"It is delicious"
"The best Prekmurska I've ever tried! What I liked the most is that it wasn't overloaded with sugar, which is often the case. Not with this one - you can truly enjoy the flavor of each layer. Also, the waiter was very kind and helpful."