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Authentic Gimlet Recipe England, Europe


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though


  • variations

    Most recipes vary the amount of lime cordial and gin. Older recipes had a 1:1 ratio of gin to lime cordial, but today, a more common ratio is 2:1, or two parts gin and one part lime cordial. Also, some recipes will call for the addition of lime juice, while others use a mixture of simple syrup and lime juice as a substitute for lime cordial.
  • homemade lime cordial

    Although initially, a gimlet cocktail was made with Rose's lime cordial, most bartenders today avoid to use it because it has too many artificial ingredients. Instead, they opt to make a lime cordial from scratch. According to the lime cordial recipe from the YouTube channel, The Educated Barfly, you will need 3 cups simple syrup, a zest of 6 limes, 30 ml lime juice, 1/2 tsp citric acid to make one.... Read more
  • drinkware

    Gimlet is most commonly served in a cocktail or a coupe glass.
  • garnish

    Traditionally, a gimlet does not have a garnish, but you will often find recipes that list a lime wedge, a lime wheel, or a lime peel to be used as a garnish.


PREP 5min



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This recipe is adapted from It shows how to make the cocktail the way it's done today, with 2 parts gin and 1 part lime cordial.


1 Serving

2 oz (60 ml) (6 cl) gin

3/4 oz (22,5 ml) (2,25 cl) lime cordial

lime wedge or lime wheel, for garnish, optional


Step 1/3

Add the ice, the gin, and the lime cordial to a mixing glass.

Step 2/3

Stir, then strain into a chilled cocktail or a couple glass.

Step 3/3

If desired, garnish with a lime wedge or a lime wheel.

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