Volaille de Bresse is the white variety of poultry from the French region Bresse and the Bresse breed. The birds have blue feet, a red crest and white feathers and flesh, which has been mentioned in the municipal records since th... READ MORE
Volailles de Bretagne is poultry from the French region of Bretagne and the districts neighbouring the regions Morbihan and Ille-et-Vilaine. The meat is sold either fresh or frozen, whole, as an oven-ready meal or in sections. This high-quality po... READ MORE
Volailles de Normandie is poultry of different breeds and crossbreeds (Christmas turkeys, guinea hens, chickens, capons), slowly raised in the open air. It is produced in the French regions of Seine-Maritime, Eure, Calvados, Manche, and O... READ MORE
Volailles de l'Ain comprise of poultry such as chickens, turkeys, capons and guinea fowls that are grown slowly and live free-range. The poultry is grown in the French department of Ain, which has a long tradition of farming top quality p... READ MORE
Volailles de Bourgogne is poultry from the French region of Burgundy that is slaughtered at an age close to sexual maturity, with fine, delicate skin, firm and juicy flesh and excellent organoleptic qualities. The poultry can be sold as a... READ MORE
Volailles de Gascogne is poultry reared in the open air in the Midi-Pyrenees, Atlantic Pyrenees and Lot-et-Garonne regions in France. The animals - chickens and capons - feed on cereals, where 40% must be maize, and they have a very early... READ MORE
Poulet du Périgord is a breed of slow-growing chicken from the region of Périgord in the south-west corner of France. These meaty chickens with firm muscles have a white or yellow skin that hides just the right amount of eve... READ MORE
Dinde de Bresse is a farm turkey from the favorable Bresse region in France, produced specifically for the winter festive period, Christmas and New Year as a traditional meal. The turkeys have white flesh and skin, while their feathers an... READ MORE
Volailles de Janzé is poultry reared in the open air in the region of Ille-et-Vilaine and the neighboring cantons in France. The chickens, pullets and capons feed on a diet based on cereals and vegetable proteins. The capons' diet ... READ MORE
Volailles de Challans is poultry reared since the 19th century in the farms of the northern Vendée region in France. The Challans area is especially praised for its black chicken varieties and the market in Challans was particularl... READ MORE
Volailles d'Auvergne is fresh or frozen poultry meat of a superior quality from the French region of Auvergne and neighboring districts. In the past, the meat was sold at important poultry markets in the region and the production was revi... READ MORE
Volailles de Licques is poultry that is slowly reared in the open air, including turkeys, white and yellow chickens, guinea hens and capons. They are raised in the French departments of Calais, Saint Omer, Boulogne sur Mere and Montreuil ... READ MORE
Volailles d'Ancenis is poultry from the French regions of Loire-Atlantique and Maine-et-Loire. The region has a tradition of poultry-breeding from the 19th century, where the meat was traded around the Ancenis market. The meat is firm and... READ MORE
Poulet de l'Ardèche and Chapon de l'Ardèche is fresh meat from chickens and capons that are slaughtered when they are at least 81 days of age (chickens) or 150 days of age (capons), and are reared in the French regi... READ MORE
Volailles du Velay is poultry from the French region of Haute-Loire and the neighboring districts Viverols and Arlanc. Poultry breeding and rearing exists on the local farms for the past few centuries, when it was mostly done by women and... READ MORE
Oie d'Anjou is a White Rhine goose, traditionally prepared roasted around Christmas-time, during the festive season. Commonly, they are sold as oven-ready meals with a delicate aroma and smell of white meat, pleasant taste and soft, yet f... READ MORE
Volailles de Loué is poultry of excellent quality, sold either whole or in cuts, fresh or frozen and farm-reared in the French regions of Sarthe, Mayenne, Indre et Loire, Loir et Cher, Eure et Loir and Maine et Loire. There is a va... READ MORE
Volailles de la Champagne is poultry (chickens, turkeys and capons) slowly reared in the open air from the rustic local breeds. The animals produce meat of the highest quality, feed on vegetables, minerals and cereals and are slaughtered ... READ MORE
Pintadeau de la Drôme is fresh meat from young guinea fowls that are reared in the Drôme region in France. The animals are slowly reared and covered in blue and grey feathers, slaughtered when they are between 87 and 100 days ... READ MORE
Volailles des Landes is poultry (quails, guinea hens, chicken, capons, Christmas turkeys, pullets, bare neck chickens) produced in the French region of Landes. The animals are reared in a free-range way and feed on cereals and maize, a pr... READ MORE
Volailles du Béarn is poultry of excellent organoleptic qualities with fine, firm flesh, produced in the French region of Pyrénées Atlantique and neighbouring districts. The animals include chickens, capons, poulards,... READ MORE
Volailles de Houdan is poultry from the Gallus species produced in the Haute-Normandie and Centre regions in France. It is characterized by its white skin and black feathers splattered with white spots. The animals are reared in ... READ MORE
Volailles de la Drôme is pure or crossbred poultry reared in the Drôme region in France since the late 19th century. The animals are reared in the open air and feed on a cereal-based diet, they consist of chickens, guinea fowl... READ MORE
Volailles de Cholet is poultry meat sold as whole carcases or cut pieces, produced in the French regions of Maine-et-Loire, Loire-Atlantique, Deux-Sévres and Vendée. In the past, all the poultry that was produced in the regi... READ MORE
Volailles de Vendée is poultry raised in the open air in the French region of Vendée and the neighboring cantons since the 19th century. The animals feed on a cereal-based diet, and the meat is firm with very good organolept... READ MORE
Volailles du Gers is poultry from the Gers department in France, with delicate skin, firm flesh, excellent taste and quality. Gris du Gers chicken is the second most famous poultry in France with a very high reputation for its un... READ MORE
Volailles du Maine (farm chicken and turkey) is poultry of excellent quality with no surplus of fat. With excellent quality of the meat come strict quality controls, so there can be 11 chickens or 6 turkeys at most per one square meter. T... READ MORE
Volailles du Languedoc is poultry with tasty, flavorful and firm flesh and excellent organoleptic qualities, reared in the French regions of Gard, Hérault, Lozére and Bouches du Rhône and the neighbouring districts. Th... READ MORE
Volailles d'Alsace is poultry that is born and reared in the French region of Alsace. The animals included are white chickens and black turkeys, with firm, yet juicy flesh and excellent organoleptic qualities. Chickens and turkeys are rea... READ MORE
Poularde du Périgord is a variety of fattened young hen, with well-developed muscles marbled with intramuscular fat and intensely yellow skin, hiding a substantial subcutaneous fat cover. Poularde du Périgord are available f... READ MORE
Volailles de l'Orleanais is firm-fleshed poultry with excellent organoleptic properties, grown in the areas of Loiret, Eure-et-Loir and Loir-et-Cher in France. It can be sold as a whole, ready-made meal or in specific pieces, and it can b... READ MORE
Poulet des Cévennes and Chapon des Cévennes are chickens and capons grown and reared in the French regions of Ardéche, Villeneuve de Berg, Gard, Hérault and Lozére with their deep valleys, clima... READ MORE
Volailles du Berry is poultry reared on the farms in the French regions of Indre and Cher, with flavoursome, firm and juicy flesh, sold either fresh or frozen, whole or in cut sections. The animals feed on a diet that consists of at least... READ MORE
Volailles du Val de Sèvres is poultry from rustic breeds slowly raised in the open air in the French region of Deux-Sévres since the early 20th century when the production was available at the regional poultry markets. The m... READ MORE
Volailles du Lauragais is poultry that is slowly reared in the open air or free-range in the French regions of Aude and Haute-Garonne along with the neighboring districts. Poultry breeding in the area was aimed at the top end of the marke... READ MORE
Volailles du Forez is poultry with firm, yet tender flesh reared in the Loire region and the neighboring districts in the regions of Puy-de-Dôme, Haute-Loire and Saône-et-Loire since the 19th century, when poultry breeding ros... READ MORE
Chapon du Périgord is a male bird belonging to a variety of slow-growing chicken from the south-west corner of France. Reared for a minimum of 150 days, chapon du Périgord is castrated before reaching sexual maturity. Its we... READ MORE
Volailles du Charolais is high-quality poultry raised in a sustainable, free-range way in the French region of Saône-et-Loire, to the east of the river Sâone since 1978, when selective breeding produced a peculiar variety of c... READ MORE
Volailles du Gatinais is farm-reared poultry that can be sold either fresh or frozen, whole, ready to cook, oven-ready or jointed in sections, except festive poultry such as Christmas turkeys. The animals are reared in the French regions ... READ MORE
Volailles du plateau de Langres is a Red Label poultry from the Haute Marne and Côte d'Or regions in France that is reared in the open air in a sustainable way to ensure the best optimal quality of the meat. As a result of their rea... READ MORE
Pintade de l'Ardèche is guinea fowl meat of the highest quality, produced in the French region of Ardéche. The animals are reared in the open air where they roam the ranges freely, their diet consisting of 100% vegetables, m... READ MORE