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Authentic Foie Gras Recipe France, Europe


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though

Introduction & history

According to French law, foie gras is defined as a liver of a duck or goose that's been fattened through a process called gavage, which is a method of force-feeding corn with a feeding tube. Also, foie gras comes in various, legally defined presentations. There are whole liver lobes, one or two, called foie gras entier, liver pieces which are reassembled together are labeled just as foie gras, while a cooked, moulded block with 98% or more foie gras is called bloc de foie gras. In case it is labeled avec morceaux it is mandatory that it contains at least 50% of goose foie gras pieces or in case of duck, 30%. Pâté de foie gras and mousse de foie gras should have at least 50% if not more of foie gras, while 75% of foie gras or more should be used in parfait de foie gras. When it comes to cooking foie gras, there are many techniques out there, and they are usually divided into hot and cold preparations.... Read more

Main ingredients

Cooking tips

  • goose vs. duck foie gras

    The difference between duck and goose foie is in color, size, and flavor. Goose foie gras is pinkish, with two lobes that weigh between 500 to 900 grams. It has a more neutral flavor when compared to duck foie gras, which some might even describe as bland. The main advantage of goose foie gras is that it will reduce minimally during cooking. Duck foie gras is between 300 and 600 grams, has a beige-... Read more
  • a, b, or c?

    Livers graded A are of top quality, meaning they are the largest, firm to touch, and have a smooth texture. Also, they have no blood spots. Ones graded B are smaller in size when compared to A livers. They are flatter and have a softer texture. Because they have some blood, minor surface defects, and more prominent veins, they are best suited for mousses and terrines where blood will melt away during ... Read more
  • types of packaging

    Fresh foie gras is vacuum-packed and lasts up to seven days. Semi-cooked foie gras is heated just so that it’s pasteurized and safe to eat and comes in boxed or sealed jars with a best by date printed on them. It should be kept in the refrigerator and can be eaten without further preparation. Both fresh and semi-cooked foie gras when out of the packaging keep for three to five days in the refrigerator,... Read more
  • deveining the liver

    Before deveining the foie gras, the first step is to allow it to come to room temperature, as that will make the foie gras easier to handle. Ideally, you should soak it in salted water or milk for two hours, and then pat dry it. Remove any blood spots, then with your hands split the two lobes, and use a knife to cut any connective veins. Look for the bitter green bile in the folds of the foie gras ... Read more
  • equipment

    When slicing foie gras, always use a knife that’s been previously dipped in hot water, as that will prevent tearing and crumbling of foie gras. The knife should be dipped in hot water in between each slice. Also, avoid aluminum as it will cause discoloration of the liver. In case you must use something made of aluminum, cover it with plastic wrap before use.
  • terrine

    Always adjust the size of your terrine to the amount of foie gras you have. The bigger the foie gras, the bigger the terrine dish. Also, if you do not own a terrine, you can use an appropriately sized ceramic soufflé dish or a glass loaf pan instead. When unmoulding the terrine of foie gras, don’t loosen the sides of the terrine by running the knife around the edges, as that will tear your terrine.... Read more
  • foie gras au torchon

    Au torchon, which translates as kitchen towel, is a type of traditional raw preparation of foie gras where foie gras is wrapped in cheesecloth and poached only for 90 seconds to two minutes in boiling water or stock. Alternatively, foie gras can be wrapped in plastic wrap, in which case it should be only boiled in water, giving the foie gras an outer layer of fat. After poaching in water, torchon ... Read more
  • searing or sautéeing the foie gras

    Foie gras should be taken out of the refrigerator 10-15 minutes before it’s being prepared so that it has time to adjust to room temperature. It is then cut with a hot knife into slices, at least half an inch thick. Because foie gras has very little protein when compared to the amount of fat, it should be seasoned generously with salt if you want it to stick. For searing, you will need a hot, dry ... Read more
  • seasoning

    Foie gras is usually seasoned only with salt and pepper, but white wine or brandy such as Sauternes or Cognac is also often used. Besides those, Port is also common in recipes, as well as paprika and nutmeg.
  • serving

    Typically foie gras, no matter how prepared, requires nothing more than a sprinkling of salt before serving and is eaten as an appetizer with bread. However, pan seared or sautéed foie gras slices should be served with sauces that have both sweetness and acidity. Some good pairing combos include prunes, figs, mangos, peaches, and pineapple, but also various dried fruits or jams. Rarely, foie gras ... Read more

Recipe variations

Foie Gras au Torchon


COOK 2min

READY IN 1h 2min


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Adapted from, this is a recipe foie gras au torchon, which is a special cooking technique where foie gras is wrapped in a kitchen towel (in French torchon translates as kitchen towel) and shortly poached in water. For a cleaner presentation, the oxidized parts of foie gras are cut off using a round pastry cutter, but they can be eaten as well.


16 Servings

Foie Gras au Torchon

1 entire Grade A or Grade B fresh foie gras, about 500 to 750 grams

75 grams salt

25 grams sugar

12.5 grams pink curing salt (optional)

10 grams white or black pepper

2 to 3 tbsp brandy (such as Cognac)



Foie Gras au Torchon

Step 1/12

Take the foie gras out of the refrigerator and to room temperature 45 minutes before you start to work on the recipe. Divide the foie gras in two lobes, a larger and a smaller one. Using tweezers and an offset spatula, remove all the veins from the center of each liver lobe. Dispose of the veins and place foie gras back into the refrigerator.

Step 2/12

Add salt, sugar, curing salt, and pepper to a spice grinder and grind them into a fine powder.

Step 3/12

Next, weigh the foie gras, and then weigh exactly 2.5% of foie gras’ weight in spice mixture. Store the remaining spice mixture for later use.

Step 4/12

Cover the cutting board with a triple layer of plastic wrap that should be 12x18-inches in size. Place the foie gras, smooth side down, onto the plastic wrap. Cautiously butterfly the foie gras using your fingers only, then spread it out until you have a 9x9-inch square that is of equal thickness.

Step 5/12

Using a fine-mesh sieve, sprinkle half of the spice mixture over the foie gras, then sprinkle with half of the brandy as well. Cover the surface with a piece of plastic wrap and carefully flip the foie gras over, then peel the plastic wrap off, and sprinkle with spice mixture and brandy as was previously done. Flip back the foie gras over onto a layer of plastic wrap, then remove the plastic wrap from its surface.

Step 6/12

Place the foie gras together with plastic on top of a bamboo mat, taking care that the bottom edge of the foie gras and the bottom edge of the bamboo mat are at the same level. Fold the overhanging plastic wrap under the bamboo mat. Roll the foie gras away from you, taking care that you pull back tightly on the bamboo mat as you do. This will give for a tight, even cylinder.

Step 7/12

Layer four pieces of cheesecloth (16 inches wide, and 2 feet long) one on top of the other. Roll the foie gras off of the plastic wrap and onto the cheesecloth, taking care that it is positioned a few inches from the bottom edge of the cheesecloth.

Step 8/12

Tie off the cheesecloth and leave the torchon to hang from a refrigerator rack anywhere from a day to up to three days.

Step 9/12

Prepare a large ice bath and heat a large pot of water to 160 °F, meaning at that temperature there should be bubbles at the bottom of the pan. Place the torchon inside the water, taking care that it's fully submerged, for 2 minutes, then immediately transfer to an ice bath afterward.

Step 10/12

Leave the torchon in the ice bath for 10 minutes, then transfer it onto a triple layer of paper towels and roll it carefully, so it dries out.

Step 11/12

Once again, tighten the torchon as it was done earlier until it starts leaking fat, then stop and tie off the ends. Place in the refrigerator to hang from a rack for one to three days.

Step 12/12

Slice off the ends of the torchon, then unwrap it. For serving slice into disks, then with a round pastry cutter trim off the oxidized edges. Sprinkle the disks of foie gras with coarse salt then serve atop of toast or alongside preserves or dried fruits.

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