"A fantastic soup with a spicy and marjoram flavor. Usually served at weddings and other special events. The vegetarian version is prepared with oyster mushrooms. You must try it."
"Best soup in our world!"
"Flaki są pyszne. Ważne aby dodać dużo pieprzu"
"Tripe soup is a dish that is made around the world. The spices and ingredients used will depend on the region the soup is made in. Flaczki from Karczma - one of the best i have ever eaten!"
"One of the best soup"
"As someone who is personally not a fan of tripe, this soup tastes great (especially homemade by babcia). A straightforward good flavor regardless of its odd ingredients."
"This is my comfort soup I could eat it everyday"
"Najlepsze są flaki po warszawsku"
"Ostre najlepsze (wraz z chlebkiem)"