"While the bluegill is my personal favorite (lightly breaded and never fishy tasting), the lake perch and walleye are also extremely enticing."
"When fresh fish is paired with Crawfish's specially seasoned breading, a taste combination is achieved that is really tough to beat."
"The fish of choice at the Dorf is haddock, and it's some of the best haddock around. The fish boasts flawless meat with a fantastically flaky texture and delicate flavor."
"Fitz's uses a beer batter that is among the best out there. The secret to a good beer batter is to keep it light, which is something a lot of places can't seem to figure out."
"Choose from lake perch, bluegill, shrimp, and cod and enjoy the house-made slaw, a well buttered piece of locally baked rye bread, and some kicked up tartar sauce to go with it."
"The cod has an incredibly flaky batter that is dark and smoky with a rich flavor."
"The Best Fish Fries in Milwaukee: Old German Beer Hall - The cod at Old German Beer Hall is beer battered, naturally. You get a half pound of it with fries, slaw, and rye, which makes a wonderful base in your stomach for that liter of beer."
"The Best Fish Fries in Milwaukee: Packing House - Cod is breaded in a crunchy bread crumb crust and is served with the usual fixins, fries or potato pancakes and clam chowder."
"Since 1962 this legend has been serving some amazing perch. Doesn’t matter if it’s Friday or not."
"A supper club is its own classic Wisconsin experience; fish fry merely doubles the value. The baby pike, catfish, cod and lake perch all get high marks."