"So how does it taste if you're not drunk or high as a kite? As someone who doesn't drink or smoke, I say it tastes damn good. That's what I expected from a sandwich that combines three of my favorite junk foods."
"What's not to love about the 'phat lady'? It's a cheesesteak with fries and mozzarella sticks on it!"
"Feeding the hungry hordes of Penn State is quite a feat, but Are U Hungry (another vendor of fine “Fat” sandwiches located in State College) has got it down to a science. When you enter through its doors, you can put any notion of healthiness out the window and just embrace the fact that this is neither a pre-game or a post-game spot -- it simply is THE GAME."
"Their entire menu is a gut-busting blend of traditional combos and the purest, most calorie-laden greasy awesomeness ever to fall under the moniker of “Fat ______“."
It's across the river from New Brunswick, and NOT the traditional menu (all the sandwiches have different names)... but it IS all the same traditional choices of insides WITH LESS GREASE; it's worth a trip over the bridge for sure!