Mozzarella is a fresh, soft, stretched curd cheese, made with whole cow's milk. Due to the fact that it has a fragrant aroma of fresh milk and a delicate creamy flavor, mozzarella is traditionally paired with light white wines. This Italian classi... READ MORE
This sharp cow's milk cheese is one of the most popular cheeses in the world today, and it was first produced in the village of Cheddar in Somerset county, England in the 12th century. Cheddar is a hard cheese made from pasteurized cow's ... READ MORE
The Netherlands' most prominent export product and one of the world's most popular cheeses, Gouda, is a yellow to orange, creamy, and sweet cow's milk cheese. Because they are pressed into molds, Gouda cheeses usually have a characteristic flatten... READ MORE
Considered to be among the world's top quality cheeses, Parmigiano Reggiano is made with raw, semi-skimmed milk from cows grazing on fresh grass and hay. It has a hard, gritty texture and its flavors range from nutty to robust and slightly piquant... READ MORE
Brie de Meaux is a soft French cheese made from cow's milk. The flat cheese has a delicate rind covered in white mold. It matures in cellars on straw mats in the Île-de-France area near Paris for at least four weeks. This particular... READ MORE
Emmentaler is a semi-hard Swiss cheese made from unpasteurized cow’s milk. It must be matured for a minimum of 4 months, though some varieties can be aged longer. The cheese is characterized by its pale yellow color, smooth texture,... READ MORE
First produced in 879 CE in Gorgonzola, a Lombardian town settled just outside of Milan, this type of blue cheese is made with cow's milk and distinguished by green or blue marbling of mold. To induce blue veining, the milk is inoculated with peni... READ MORE
Camembert de Normandie, Normandy's most famous and iconic cheese is made from raw cow's milk and weighs an average of 250 grams. The flavor is intense, pungent and similar to that of mushrooms, grass and butter, while the aroma is moldy a... READ MORE
Mascarpone is a cheese from the Italian region of Lombardy, characterized by its very high fat content, ranging from 60% to 75%. Its texture can be smooth, creamy, or buttery, depending on the production process, while the flavors are lem... READ MORE
Burrata, literary meaning buttered, is an artisan cheese from the Puglia region of Southern Italy, especially the provinces of Bari and Barletta-Andria-Trani. The cheese is made by hand with cow's milk, rennet, and cream. It is b... READ MORE
Gruyère is a cooked and pressed cheese made from raw cow's milk. On the exterior, the cheese has a grainy yellow to brown rind, while the interior is ivory to pale yellow in color. The Swiss version (AOP), a hard cheese with a salt... READ MORE
Produced in the Aosta Valley since the 1100s, Fontina is a semi-cooked cheese traditionally made with raw cow's milk of the Valdostana Pezzata Rossa cattle breed. Depending on the length of maturation, the texture of Fontina can ... READ MORE
This semi-hard to hard cheese is available in two main varieties: the fresh Asiago Pressato and matured Asiago d'Allevo. Depending on the length of aging, d'Allevo is marketed as Mezzano (4-6 months), Vecchio (1... READ MORE
Scamorza is an Italian pasta filata cheese made with cow's milk. The cheese is shaped into two connected balls, one smaller than the other. Its texture is semi-soft, firm, and chewy, while the flavors are milky and smoky. These two balls ... READ MORE
Reblochon is a semi-hard, pressed cheese with a weight of about 500 grams, made from unpasteurized cow's milk that must ripen for at least 15 days in the departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie in France. According to an old tale, it exist... READ MORE
This mild-flavored cow's milk cheese has a soft and creamy texture, a strong aroma, and a fruity flavor. Its thin rind ranges in color from rosy to orange, and as it ages, it might develop edible mold. Taleggio is made in square blocks and has a p... READ MORE
Bocconcini is an Italian cheese originating from Campania. It is a mozzarella-type cheese that is roughly the size of an egg, made with water buffalo's milk or a combination of buffalo's and cow's milk. These rindless small balls are semi... READ MORE
Stracchino di crescenza is an Italian cheese that is typically made with cow's milk, but it can also be made with water buffalo's milk. The texture of stracchino is creamy and buttery, so it's often used as a spread. The flavors are mild,... READ MORE
Comté is a big, hard cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk, with at least 45% fat and a pressed, cooked paste. Each cheese wheel is unique with numerous taste varieties that can range from milky, spicy, roasted to fruity, butte... READ MORE
First produced in the 11th century by the Cistercian monks of the Santa Maria di Rovegnano Abbey in Chiaravalle Milanese, Grana Padano is known as one of the very few parmesan cheeses that can possibly compete with the far more famous
Cheshire is an English cow's milk cheese produced in Cheshire, Flintshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, and Denbighshire. This cheese has been produced for so long that it is even mentioned in the 11th-century Domesday Book. The texture of ... READ MORE
Mató is a sweet, unsalted, unfermented, fresh cheese produced in the Spanish region of Catalonia. It is traditionally served as a dessert with honey or jam, known as mel i mató. In Catalonia, the cheese is regularly sold whe... READ MORE
Vacherin is a group of cheeses made from cow's milk. There are two main types of Vacherin – one is Swiss, the other one French. The French one is called Mont d'Or or Vacherin du Haut-Doubs, while the Swiss one is called Vacherin Mon... READ MORE
Named after its town of origin and produced in the French Rhône-Alpes region since the Middle Ages, Beaufort is a hard cheese made from raw milk of the Tarentaise cattle breed. It is typically matured much longer than its s... READ MORE
Old Amsterdam is a Dutch Gouda-style cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk. The cheese is matured at three stages, and each one brings out certain characteristics of flavor and texture. As the wheels mature at different rates, master ch... READ MORE
Fromage blanc is a French fresh cheese made from cow's milk. It shouldn't be confused with fromage frais, which must contain live cultures, while the fermentation in fromage blanc has been stopped. Its texture is soft, creamy, and spreada... READ MORE
Chaumes is a French soft or semi-soft cheese made from cow’s milk. Its rind is washed, and its color is pale yellow. The cheese has a strong aroma, a supple, creamy, springy, and smooth texture, and a complex, nutty flavor. The name... READ MORE
Visually reminiscent of a dusty cannonball, mimolette is a semi-hard French cheese originating from the area around Lille, which is the reason why it’s also known as boule de Lille. Made from cow’s milk, it’s le... READ MORE
Gouda Holland is a semi-hard Dutch cheese that's produced exclusively from cows' milk from Dutch farms, and it's one of the most popular cheeses worldwide. The cheese is made in a flattened wheel shape and it's flavorful and aromatic (mil... READ MORE
Bleu d'Auvergne is a French blue cheese made from raw cow's milk. It has characteristical veins dispersed throughout its body. The mold that forms in the cheese is a result of the production process - Bleu is pricked with long needles tha... READ MORE
Gorgonzola dolce is a traditional variety of Gorgonzola cheese. The cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk and it's left to age for at least 45 days before consumption. Underneath its natural moldy rind, the texture is creamy, with bl... READ MORE
Leerdammer is a Dutch cheese made from cow's milk. It was invented by Cees Boterkooper and Bastiaan Baars in 1977 in Schoonrewoerd, but nowadays the production takes place in Leerdam, hence the name. The cheese has a smooth, springy, open... READ MORE
Caprice des Dieux is a French cheese originating from the micro-region of Bassigny. This soft-ripened cheese is made with pasteurized cow's milk and fully matures in about two weeks. It hides a creamy and smooth texture underneath its blo... READ MORE
Saint-Félicien is a soft French cheese originating from the region of Rhône-Alpes. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a creamy texture, while its flavor can be described as fruity, sour, nutty, and buttery. Duri... READ MORE
Fourme d'Ambert is an unusually tall, round, blue cheese that is unpressed and uncooked, with a high fat content (50%). It's made from pasteurized or raw cow's milk and it is one of the oldest cheeses in France. On the exterior it has a d... READ MORE
Neufchâtel is a soft cheese with a white rind made from cow's milk in the humid Bray region in France and it can come in a variety of shapes - round, brick-shaped, square-shaped, or heart-shaped. This cheese is arguable the oldest i... READ MORE
Dubliner is an Irish cheese produced in County Cork. The cheese is made from cow's milk. Its texture is firm, smooth, and crystalline, while the flavors are nutty, sharp, and sweet. Dubliner has a natural rind, and today it is available i... READ MORE
Provola is an Italian cheese that's essentially the smaller version of Provolone. The cheese is made from cow's milk and originates from Campania. This pasta filata cheese is typically immersed in brine, and some of the ... READ MORE
Named after the eponymous commune in the Seine-et-Marne region in France, where it was first produced, Coulommiers is a soft cheese made from cow’s milk. It is characterized by a fat content of 40%, a creamy texture, and a buttery, ... READ MORE