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Authentic Espresso Martini Recipe Alternate Text London, England


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though


  • method

    It's important not to double strain the cocktail as that will reduce the amount of foam. The cocktail must be served in a pre-chilled cocktail glass.
  • ingredients

    Kahlúa and Tia Maria are most commonly used coffee liqueurs, but a hazelnut liqueur Frangelico can be used instead.
  • how to make espresso at home

    According to Jeffrey Morgenthaler, an award-winning bartender, a coffee concentrate that emulates espresso can be made at home following a straightforward recipe. First, half a kilo of coffee and a liter of water are mixed in a large container. After 30 minutes have passed, another liter of water is added to the mix which is then refrigerated for 24 hours. Finally, the coffee mixture is then strained ... Read more
  • sugar/simple syrup

    To make a simple syrup, mix equal parts of sugar and hot water until sugar has dissolved. Wait until the syrup cools and then store it in a bottle.

Espresso Martini

PREP 10min

COOK 1min

READY IN 11min


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This recipe is adapted from the website of the International Bartenders Association.


1 Serving

5 cl (50 ml) (1 2/3 oz) vodka

1 cl (10 ml) (1/3 oz) Kahlúa

sugar syrup (according to individual preference of sweetness)

1 short strong espresso (15 ml ristretto) (1,5 cl) (1/2 oz)

3 coffee beans, for garnish


Step 1/2

Put all the ingredients, plus ice, into a shaker, then shake and strain into a pre-chilled cocktail glass.

Step 2/2

Garnish with three coffee beans.

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