"A round of raw ground beef is held on the cutting board under a spatula and the spatula is whacked a few times with a heavy hammer, flattening the meat into a semi-compressed patty at least four inches wide. Now, the good part: the patty is submerged into a deep, black skillet full of bubbling-hot grease, grease that the management boasts has not been changed since Dyer’s opened in 1912! It’s the grease that gives a Dyer’s burger a consummately juicy interior while it develops a crusty outside and a unique, shall we say, intriguing flavor."
"A round of raw ground beef is held on the cutting board under a spatula and the spatula is whacked a few times with a heavy hammer, flattening the meat into a semi-compressed patty at least four inches wide. Now, the good part: the patty is submerged into a deep, black skillet full of bubbling-hot grease, grease that the management boasts has not been changed since Dyer’s opened in 1912! It’s the grease that gives a Dyer’s burger a consummately juicy interior while it develops a crusty outside ... Read more
"This is the purveyor of one of America's best burgers, according to both Esquire and Playboy. Spatula-flattened meat is submerged in bubbling grease that's continuously filtered as though it's a life-giving elixir. Dyer's has been doing it this way since 1912, making the grease 100 years old according to lore. But old grease does make a late-night snack of the gods."
"Dyer's Burgers, the historical Beale St. joint, is famous for its burgers -- so famous, in fact, that its Double-Doubles have been lauded as some of the best in the country. We can only speculate, but one reason for their superiority may be in part due to the oil in which the patties are fried: the 100-year-old garlic-infused grease known as "vitamin G"."
"The burger was quite tasty, fresh and juicy. I expected a super-greasy or burnt-grease type flavor, but that was not the case at all."
"Now this burger is not a product of the carnival midway fad—deep-frying everything from Twinkies to pats of butter. Nor is it a cheeky over-the-top publicity stunt. No, the Dyer’s Burger is history on a bun served in Memphis’s oldest restaurant. Like a donut, the patties sink to the bottom while they cook up crispy and brown until they eventually rise to the top to be lovingly ladled onto a bun to absorb just a little bit more of the seasoned oil. Even the cheese gets a brief dip in the grease ... Read more
"Most people come to this diner for the hamburgers - hamburgers that are deep-fried on a cast-iron skillet in the same grease since the restaurant opened in 1912. One not enough? Order a double or triple. Either way, this diner on Beale Street is sure to crave your hamburger needs."
"When you eat at Dyer’s, you’re eating history. The grease at Dyer’s is more than a century old. Legend says that the burgers have been deep-fried in the same grease since day one, and when the Memphis burger joint changed locations, that grease was transported by armored car. From what I can tell, it’s true. If you’re looking for a good, thin, fried Southern burger (the kind with a ton of pickle slices, mustard and onion), you’re in the right place."
"My mouth was watering and after we unwrapped the burger. The burger was cooked well but still moist and succulent. I was worried it would be too greasy but it really was not overwhelming. The cheese had almost fused to the meat and as you bit you got the crunchiness from the pickles and the savoriness of the mustard and ketchup. It was one of those moments that after the first bite, my friend and I looked up, made eye contact, smiled then destroyed the remnants of the sandwich."
"The simple but holy trinity of raw white onion, pickles and yellow mustard (the standard garnish on everything from pulled pork to hot chicken in these parts) really takes it to the next level. The bun-coating grease gets all over your hands, and there's an awesome play of textures and flavors going on that's just completely unique to Dyer's."
"This burger was fried perfectly (they apparently know what they are doing – after 100 years they should) and the cheese melted the bun to the burger. It definitely is a classic."