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National food

De Gadri

Paramaribo, Suriname

De Gadri | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Van Idsinga Straat 68, Paramaribo, Suriname +597 420-688


Rice Dish


Recommended by trippy and 3 other food critics.


"What to eat and drink - Surinamese Creole food at De Gadri Restaurant: Try moksi alesi (mixed rice)."
"The Surinamese mixed rice turned out to be really delicious."
"The simple and popular De Gadri restaurant serves delicious traditional dishes such as moksi alesi."
"After the Zoo we ended the day with a real Surinamese meal at restaurant De Gadri. Kirsten had brown fried rice with chicken and I had moksi alesi with chicken and salty meat (moksi alesi is fried with mixed vegetables and meat). It was very delicious!"

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