"You should absolutely try the "Coq au Riesling", the specialty of the house."
"Best of France: Restaurant du Mouton - The menu varies according to the seasons but you can place an order for the famous coq au Riesling accompanied by spatzles."
"The coq au Riesling is an outstanding version: A chicken is braised in a sauce of Riesling wine and its own juices, then served with freshly made spaetzle, or egg noodles."
"The portions are generous, the menu is unpretentious and the food is good: memorable crudités, coq au Riesling (the local version of coq au vin) and every which way with choucroute."
"For heaping platters of coq au riesling, there's nowhere better than the Maison des Brasseurs, a wood-panelled institution on the pedestrian Grande Rue."