We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though
A simple peasant fare, cassoulet, is a dish that requires very little technique and skill to prepare but does require time and patience. First, the beans which have been soaking overnight are shortly boiled the following day, then drained and set aside for later. Pork bones, chicken, pork rinds, onions, and carrots are cooked in water and then filtered to get a clear broth, while pork rinds are kept for later use. Next, the beans are added to the broth and cooked for an hour until they are soft, but not falling apart. Meanwhile, the duck confit is seared in a pan, and the Toulouse sausage and pieces of pork meat are then fried in the leftover fat. Once the beans have been cooked, they are drained and combined with garlic and lard. The prepared ingredients are then arranged in an earthenware dish and poured over with the broth. The casserole is cooked for two to three hours and is occasionally drizzled with the leftover broth to prevent it from drying out. As it bakes, the cassoulet ... Read more