Main ingredients

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Although the preparation of Caesar salad is quite simple, this dish was considered glamorous because, in Caesar’s restaurant, it was usually prepared ceremonially in front of the guests. The first step is to wash and dry Romaine lettuce and chill it in the refrigerator, leaving the leaves whole. Garlic oil is prepared by crushing garlic cloves and leaving them in salad oil; the pieces of garlic need to be removed before seasoning. Croutons are made by cutting French bread into small cubes and baking them shortly in an oven until they turn golden brown, and the Parmesan cheese should be freshly grated. Other seasonings include pre-made Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, salt, and pepper. In the end, some lemon juice and one raw egg are added, and the salad is mixed gently but thoroughly. Caesar salad was originally served on plates, with the lettuce leaves’ stems facing outwards, so they would be more convenient to eat by hand.