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WHERE TO EAT The best Bolo de mel in the world (according to food experts)

Recommended by Lonely Planet and 2 other food critics.
"Buy the island's famous bolo de mel and recipe books at the factory."

Fábrica Santo António

Travessa do Forno nº 27/29
Recommended by Taste it and 1 other food critic.
"Madeirans claim that the 'Fábrica de Santo António' is the place of choice to buy the traditional 'Bolo de Mel'."

Pereira D'Oliveira

Rua Dos Ferreiros 107
Recommended by Niklas Jörgensen
"The connaisseur, my wife that is, says its Christmas spicy with nuanced taste of nuts and remains quite fresh despite being totally stuffed with ingredients. Never too sweet. If you’re not allergic you know where to pick up your Bolo de Mel when visiting Madeira: Rua dos Ferreiros 107."
"Don't miss the opportunity to buy the traditional Madeiran Bolo de Mel."