Mate de coca is a herbal infusion that is made by steeping coca leaves or teabags consisting of coca leaves in hot water. This ancient drink has been traditionally enjoyed to treat altitude sickness, and due to the small amounts of alkaloids, it i... READ MORE
Mocochinchi is a dehydrated peach cider and one of the most popular beverages in Bolivia. It can be bought at street corners, parks, and plazas. The beverage is usually sold from large glass jars alongside other drinks such as chicha<... READ MORE
Garapiña is a Bolivian drink believed to have originated in Quillacollo. In its basic form, it is a combination of cinnamon and chicha—a corn-based alcoholic beverage. The mix often includes coconut, cinnamon ice cream (h... READ MORE
Chicha de piña is a chicha version made with pineapple. It is a refreshing, fizzy drink found in numerous Latin American countries, and it comes in several varieties. Although it is usually fermented, it can also be simmered and se... READ MORE
Coctel de Tumbo is a Bolivian creamy cocktail made with a combination of sweet-and-sour-flavored banana passionfruit (native to Bolivia and Peru) and singani, sometimes with the addition of condensed milk. In order to prepare it, all ingr... READ MORE
Leche de tigre is a Bolivian drink made with milk, cinnamon, sugar, and singani—the popular Bolivian brandy distilled from Muscat of Alexandria grapes. The milk is heated, sweetened, and infused with cinnamon. It can be thi... READ MORE