Main ingredients

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Fast, simple and easy, the recipe for a BLT sandwich requires virtually no culinary knowledge or skill, but still manages to result in a dish that is both basic and rich. The preparation starts with lightly toasting the slices of bread, which can either be done in a toaster oven, a regular oven, or on a skillet. One side of toasted bread is then covered with mayonnaise, thin slices of tomato, lettuce (either shredded or in leaves) and broiled bacon slices. Another slice of the toasted bread covered in mayonnaise is placed on top, and the assembled sandwich is usually cut into triangles and sometimes fixated using a toothpick or a wooden stick. Just like many other simple recipes, the BLT sandwich also relies on the quality of its ingredients. A common mistake is to consider the BLT to be a bacon sandwich seasoned with lettuce and tomato, when in fact tomato is the basic ingredient which carries most of the character, and every other ingredient is in its service. Therefore, the tomatoes ... Read more
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This is a trendy, upscale version of the classic BLT sandwich recipe, with refreshing ingredients such as lemon juice, avocado, cucumbers, and sprouts. Its main characteristic, however, is weaving the bacon slices into a lattice before baking, which is an excellent solution to keep it in place.
PREP 7min
COOK 8min
READY IN 15min
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This simple recipe offers a classic approach to the BLT sandwich, meaning only traditional ingredients are used. Optionally, the toasted bread slices can be buttered before spreading the mayonnaise to achieve extra tastiness.
1/2 lb (225g) bacon (12 slices)
8 slices white bread
8 lettuce leaves
8 slices of ripe tomatoes
8 tbsp mayonnaise
Prepare the bacon first; cook it so it becomes crispy, and then place on some paper towels to drain.
Next, toast the bread and spread a tablespoon of mayonnaise on each slice.
Now, assemble the sandwiches in the following order: toast with mayonnaise side up, 1 lettuce leaf, 2 slices of tomato, 3 bacon slices, 1 lettuce leaf, toast with mayonnaise side down. This will make for a total of four sandwiches.
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