Blodpudding is one of traditional Swedish dishes made with animal blood. It is typically prepared with pig blood that is mixed with flour, beer or svagdricka, butter, and seasonings, then cooked in the oven. Once prepared, it is thinly sliced and fried with a little butter or oil until slightly crispy on the surface.
The traditional way of serving it is with lingonberry jam, crispy bacon, and Swedish snaps. A variant of this dish is blodkorv (blood sausage), to which pork fat, raisins, and spices are added besides the usual ingredients. As intriguing as this dish might seem to a foreigner, blood pudding is a very popular and common food eaten for lunch or dinner in most Swedish households.
In fact, the Swedes have not abandoned their habit of eating food made with animal blood since they consider this ingredient very nutritious and healthy. Children commonly have it at school, served with potato cakes (potatisbullar) and lingonberries.