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Authentic Biltong Recipe South Africa, Africa


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though

Introduction & history

Similar to beef jerky in the USA, biltong is, without a doubt, the most popular meat snack in South Africa. Although its preparation method might seem simple or even primitive at first sight, it is actually a mélange of culinary knowledge and ingredients gathered across three continents — Africa, Europe, and Asia. The first step is to prepare the meat. Unlike the modern versions, which are most commonly based on quality cuts of beef, such as silverside or topside, the classic approach calls for game meat, while extravagant versions include ostrich or crocodile meat. The meat is cut into thin and long strips along the grain and seasoned with salt. After one hour, the salt is scraped off, and the meat is brushed with, or dipped into, vinegar whose purpose is to kill the potentially life-threatening bacteria. Sometimes, Worcestershire sauce and sugar are combined with the vinegar to achieve a richer flavor. Next, the meat is rubbed with a combination of spices — coriander ... Read more