Grass carp (lat. Ctenopharyngodon idella) is a species of freshwater fish native to rivers and lakes in eastern Asia, from northern Vietnam to the Amur River on the Siberia-China border. Grass carp are large, with elongated, torpedo-shaped bodies.
They usually have silvery to olive-green coloring on the back, fading to white on the belly. Adult fish can reach significant sizes, often measuring over a meter in length and weighing up to 40 kg (88 lbs) or more. True to its name, the grass carp primarily feeds on aquatic plants.
It is found in rivers, lakes, ponds, and canals. Grass carp are known for their unique spawning habits. They require long rivers for the development of their eggs, which are slightly buoyant and drift downstream until hatching. Grass carp is valued for its flesh in many culinary traditions.