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Havrekjeks are traditional Norwegian oatcakes. The cookies are usually made with a combination of oats, flour, butter, milk, salt, sugar, and baker's ammonia. The butter is creamed with sugar, while the oats are mixed with flour, salt, and baker's... READ MORE
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Pazinski cukerančić is a traditional pastry originating from the Istrian city of Pazin. It's usually made with a combination of ammonia (instead of baking soda or powder), flour, eggs, local brandy, sugar, milk, butter, oil, lemon zest, vanilla su... READ MORE
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These small, incredibly fragrant cookies are a local delicacy of the island of Korčula. Usually formed into crescent shapes, they couple a buttery dough, traditionally made with ammonium bicarbonate, and a rich, nut-based filling. The dough and th... READ MORE
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Biscotti della monaca are traditional Sicilian cookies originating from Catania. These S-shaped cookies were originally invented by the nuns of the Convent of Santa Chiara, who’d made them according to a secret recipe. The cookies are nowada... READ MORE
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Bersaglieri are traditional Sicilian cookies originating from Catania. The cookies are usually made with a combination of flour, cocoa, eggs, milk, lard, sugar, bakers' ammonia, vanilla, and salt. The flour is mixed with salt, ammonia, vanilla, la... READ MORE