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Authentic B-52 Recipe Alternate Text Banff, Canada


We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though


  • variations

    Variations include changing up the kind of coffee liquer and the kind of orange liquer is used.
  • flaming b-52

    The first thing when making a flaming B-52 is to use a heatproof glass. Second, if using Grand Marnier, you need to heat it first. Heating Grand Marnier is done by warming it in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-low heat for no more than 10 seconds. Third, the shot glass should be nearly full, as that way not a lot of glass is exposed to heat which will make it less likely that the glass will ... Read more


PREP 5min



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This recipe is adapted from the website of International Bartenders Association.


1 Serving

2 cl (20 ml) (2/3 oz) Grand Marnier

2 cl (20 ml) (2/3 oz) Baileys Irish Cream

2 cl (20 ml) (2/3 oz) Kahlúa


Step 1/3

Layer the ingredients in a shot glass in the following order: Kahlúa, Baileys Irish Cream, and Grand Marnier.

Step 2/3

Layer each drink, slowly, over the back of a spoon, so the layers remain unmixed.

Step 3/3

For a flaming B-52, set the Grand Marnier on fire. Drink quickly, using a metal straw.

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